Papers by Tien-hao Jen

海洋文化學刊, 2021
As the Second World War came to the end, the United States gradually attached
more importance to... more As the Second World War came to the end, the United States gradually attached
more importance to the East Asian region and eventaully enforced its administration in
Ryukyu since 1945. However, the US neither got enough information about Ryukyu nor
the internal consensus before its control in the islands, which revealed the “Olympians
Dilemma” in the US Decision-making. The “Olympians’ Dilemma” not only caused
problems in the relationship among the US, Japan and Ryukyu, but also harmed the
essence of “Open Door Policy” in the US diplomacy. The US tried to establish Ryukyu
as a good strategic beachhead in East Asia after the War; nevertheless, it did not have
time to make a flawless plan before the coming of the Cold War. Therefore, it faced the
outcome of the dilemma and an unopened US-contained Ryukyu. It led an example for
the idealized harmonious East Asia as an unfulfilled ambition of the US and certain
international conflicts in the area today, even though the slogan was still used to be a
government's propaganda of the US. The paper focuses on the approach of Diplomatic
History for reading the official archives of the Foreign Relations of the United States
(FRUS) and of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Republic of China to investigate the
progress and influence of the definition of the name and range of Ryukyu since the later period of WWII, and further discusses the relations to the current maritime and diplomatic conflicts in East Asia.

國立臺中科技大學通識教育學報, 2018
The long-term military face-off between the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China ... more The long-term military face-off between the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China since 1949 went to the Détente in the period during Chiang Ching-kuo taking Chiang Kai-shek's duties gradually. It means that Chiang Ching-kuo might face a different circumstance which was a comparative inferiority than before. The several duties and experiences might effect upon Chiang Ching-kuo's attitude to handle the situation before he controlled the entire political power in Taiwan. However, only a few researches for such an important person in the Modern History of Taiwan so far and it reveals a breach which the historians should supplement. This article uses the materials of the official archives in Taiwan and some personal publications to survey the responses of Chiang Ching-kuo when he started to hold the power in the government of ROC around 1970. It appears the psychological milieu and operational milieu that Chiang Ching-kuo faced at that time, and those changes might affect his perceptions and led the cross-strait political situation went stable than before progressively.

國立臺中科技大學通識教育學報, 2016
論李贄的自得之學 ····················································································葉守桓 ... more 論李贄的自得之學 ····················································································葉守桓 1 嘉慶與道光兩朝《欽定回疆則例》刊刻版本之比較 ·····························陳殷宜 35 《儀若日記》中的鄒嘉來早期人際網絡 ·················································任天豪 63 以團體歷程觀點檢視高齡者參與園藝治療之改變因子··························林俊德 85 國中專任輔導教師制度之角色職責定位探究: 困境與因應策略 ········································································ 宋宥賢、林顯明 107 大陸交換生在臺的學習動機及適應問題之研究: 以中興大學為例 ············································································譚柳、蔡文榮 139 票據保證──以日本法為中心·································································賴世琳 177 篇名索引··············································································································· 223 作者索引··············································································································· 224 ※本期學報來稿共 10 篇,經校外學者評審及編輯委員會審議後,採用 7 篇。
國史館館刊, 2018
Few countries today contest the sovereignty over the "Amami
Book Reviews by Tien-hao Jen
Papers by Tien-hao Jen
more importance to the East Asian region and eventaully enforced its administration in
Ryukyu since 1945. However, the US neither got enough information about Ryukyu nor
the internal consensus before its control in the islands, which revealed the “Olympians
Dilemma” in the US Decision-making. The “Olympians’ Dilemma” not only caused
problems in the relationship among the US, Japan and Ryukyu, but also harmed the
essence of “Open Door Policy” in the US diplomacy. The US tried to establish Ryukyu
as a good strategic beachhead in East Asia after the War; nevertheless, it did not have
time to make a flawless plan before the coming of the Cold War. Therefore, it faced the
outcome of the dilemma and an unopened US-contained Ryukyu. It led an example for
the idealized harmonious East Asia as an unfulfilled ambition of the US and certain
international conflicts in the area today, even though the slogan was still used to be a
government's propaganda of the US. The paper focuses on the approach of Diplomatic
History for reading the official archives of the Foreign Relations of the United States
(FRUS) and of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Republic of China to investigate the
progress and influence of the definition of the name and range of Ryukyu since the later period of WWII, and further discusses the relations to the current maritime and diplomatic conflicts in East Asia.
Book Reviews by Tien-hao Jen
more importance to the East Asian region and eventaully enforced its administration in
Ryukyu since 1945. However, the US neither got enough information about Ryukyu nor
the internal consensus before its control in the islands, which revealed the “Olympians
Dilemma” in the US Decision-making. The “Olympians’ Dilemma” not only caused
problems in the relationship among the US, Japan and Ryukyu, but also harmed the
essence of “Open Door Policy” in the US diplomacy. The US tried to establish Ryukyu
as a good strategic beachhead in East Asia after the War; nevertheless, it did not have
time to make a flawless plan before the coming of the Cold War. Therefore, it faced the
outcome of the dilemma and an unopened US-contained Ryukyu. It led an example for
the idealized harmonious East Asia as an unfulfilled ambition of the US and certain
international conflicts in the area today, even though the slogan was still used to be a
government's propaganda of the US. The paper focuses on the approach of Diplomatic
History for reading the official archives of the Foreign Relations of the United States
(FRUS) and of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Republic of China to investigate the
progress and influence of the definition of the name and range of Ryukyu since the later period of WWII, and further discusses the relations to the current maritime and diplomatic conflicts in East Asia.