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Abstract--Although social, ethical, and professional standards have been included in some undergraduate computer science departments' curricula for over twenty years, many faculty members who teach computer science ethics classes continue... more
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We present a model consisting of a swarm of unmanned, autonomous flying munitions to conduct a synchronized multi-point attack on a target. The Unpiloted Air Vehicles (UAVs) lack global communication or extensive battlefield intelligence,... more
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      Evolutionary ComputationSynchronizationMobile RobotsSwarm
Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) are extensively used in military and civilian applications. The dynamic topology of MANETs allows nodes to join and leave the network at any point of time. This generic characteristic of MANET has rendered... more
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      Distributed ComputingNetworksRouting protocolsMobile Ad Hoc Network
The Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP) model is explored for high level decision making for Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAVs). The type of UAV modeled is a flying munition with a limited fuel supply. The UAV is destroyed when... more
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A weapon system consisting of a swarm of air vehicles whose mission is to search for, classify, attack, and perform battle damage assessment, is considered. It is assumed that the target field information is communicated to all the... more
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      Computer ScienceOperations ResearchGraph TheoryVehicle Dynamics
We present a model consisting of an emergent procedure for n unpiloted, autonomous flying munitions to cooperatively conduct a parallel sweeping search of a geographic area for specific targets. The control of the unmanned air vehicles... more
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      Agent Based SimulationLocal CommunityEmergent Behavior
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      Path planningDamage AssessmentTask AssignmentTarget Classification
An agent based system is used to model unmanned aerial vehicle missions utilizing various control models. The system uses a multi level approach to modeling a UAV in order to support approaches to mission planning that are different in... more
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      Agent BasedMission PlanningAgent BAsed SystemAgent Systems
Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is a powerful performance measurement in economic sector and operations research to assess the relative efficiency for each decision making unit (DMU). In general, there are two assumptions in DEA. Firstly,... more
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In this paper we present a mechanism to improve the solution quality of an existing heuristic based general assignment problem solver by adjusting the heuristic. The heuristic is tweaked using a set of parameters suggested by a genetic... more
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    • Genetic Algorithm
We consider a team of unmanned air vehicles (UAVs), deployed to carry out tasks such as searching for, classifying, attacking, and performing battle damage assessment of enemy targets. In some missions, it may be advantageous for the UAVs... more
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      Situation awarenessDamage AssessmentTeam FormationCooperative Systems
An agent-based emergent intelligence methodology is utilized to assemble agents into teams and assign distributed tasks to them in a dynamic environment. The application concerns the management of military missions that utilize... more
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      PolymorphismAgent Based SimulationAgent BasedTask Allocation
Autonomous Nano-Technology Swarm (ANTS) from NASA employs numerous, autonomous, l-kg solar sails for surveying and studying asteroids in the Asteroid Belt. There is no convincing work on a simulator that validates the solar sail's... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringSet TheoryComputer ScienceAlgorithms
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    • Agent Based
Abstract Team work is the norm in major development projects and industry is continually striving to improve team effectiveness. Researchers have established that teams with high levels of social sensitivity tend to perform well when... more
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      Computer ScienceTeam workEmpirical StudyTeam Performance
Teamwork is essential in industry and a university is an excellent place to assess which skills are important and for students to practice those skills. A positive teamwork experience can also improve student learning outcomes. Prior... more
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      Computer ScienceStudent LearningEmpirical StudyTeam Performance
In this paper we discuss gigabit network applications enabled by \Mission to Planet Earth", an international e ort to monitor the Earth as a system. We describe the design of a network architecture to support applications developed as... more
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      Computer ScienceDistributed ComputingRemote SensingAgriculture
Self-organizing systems have the general property that the primitive elements that comprise the system interact in order to achieve emergent global properties. We describe an extended Petri net simulation architecture for such systems... more
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      Petri NetsSimulationSwarmAgent
WC dcscri6c the application of ljcnctic ACgorithms to the travding salesman pro6Cem with time windows. A new type of crossover operator, called edge-type crossoucr, with a heuristically sclcctcd initiaf population, is used in the genetic... more
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      GeneticsGenetic AlgorithmTraveling Salesman ProblemTime window