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Reminder! Vote closing soon to fill vacancies of the first U4C

[Bornkood ännern]
You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Hilf bitte mit, in deine Sprache zu übersetzen

Dear all,

The voting period for the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C) is closing soon. It is open through 10 August 2024. Read the information on the voting page on Meta-wiki to learn more about voting and voter eligibility. If you are eligible to vote and have not voted in this special election, it is important that you vote now.

Why should you vote? The U4C is a global group dedicated to providing an equitable and consistent implementation of the UCoC. Community input into the committee membership is critical to the success of the UCoC.

Please share this message with members of your community so they can participate as well.

In cooperation with the U4C,

-- Keegan (WMF) (talk) 17:30, 6. Aug. 2024 (CEST)[anter]

Sign up for the language community meeting on August 30th, 15:00 UTC

[Bornkood ännern]

Hi all,

The next language community meeting is scheduled in a few weeks—on August 30th at 15:00 UTC. If you're interested in joining, you can sign up on this wiki page.

This participant-driven meeting will focus on sharing language-specific updates related to various projects, discussing technical issues related to language wikis, and working together to find possible solutions. For example, in the last meeting, topics included the Language Converter, the state of language research, updates on the Incubator conversations, and technical challenges around external links not working with special characters on Bengali sites.

Do you have any ideas for topics to share technical updates or discuss challenges? Please add agenda items to the document here and reach out to ssethi(__AT__)wikimedia.org. We look forward to your participation!

MediaWiki message delivery 01:19, 23. Aug. 2024 (CEST)[anter]

Announcing the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee

[Bornkood ännern]
Original message at wikimedia-l. You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Hilf bitte mit, in deine Sprache zu übersetzen

Hello all,

The scrutineers have finished reviewing the vote and the Elections Committee have certified the results for the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C) special election.

I am pleased to announce the following individual as regional members of the U4C, who will fulfill a term until 15 June 2026:

  • North America (USA and Canada)
    • Ajraddatz

The following seats were not filled during this special election:

  • Latin America and Caribbean
  • Central and East Europe (CEE)
  • Sub-Saharan Africa
  • South Asia
  • The four remaining Community-At-Large seats

Thank you again to everyone who participated in this process and much appreciation to the candidates for your leadership and dedication to the Wikimedia movement and community.

Over the next few weeks, the U4C will begin meeting and planning the 2024-25 year in supporting the implementation and review of the UCoC and Enforcement Guidelines. You can follow their work on Meta-Wiki.

On behalf of the U4C and the Elections Committee,

RamzyM (WMF) 16:06, 2. Sep. 2024 (CEST)[anter]

Nutze dein Mitspracherecht: Stimm über das Kuratorium 2024 ab!

[Bornkood ännern]

Hallo allerseits,

die Abstimmungsphase der Wahl zum Kuratorium 2024 ist jetzt offen. Zwölf (12) Personen kandidieren für vier (4) Sitze im Kuratorium.

In den Vorstellungstexten und Antworten auf Community-Fragen kannst du mehr über die Kandidierenden erfahren.

Wenn du so weit bist, auf die SecurePoll-Wahlseite wechseln, um abzustimmen. Die Abstimmungsphase beginnt am 3. September um 00:00 UTC und endet am 17. September um 23:59 UTC.

Um deine Wahlberechtigung zu prüfen, gehe bitte zur entsprechenden Informationsseite.

Beste Grüße

Das Wahlkomitee und die Arbeitsgruppe für die Kuratoriumszusammenstellung

MediaWiki message delivery 14:14, 3. Sep. 2024 (CEST)[anter]

Euer Wiki wird bald im nur-lesbaren Modus sein

[Bornkood ännern]

Trizek_(WMF), 11:37, 20. Sep. 2024 (CEST)[anter]

Invitation to Participate in Wiki Loves Ramadan Community Engagement Survey

[Bornkood ännern]

Dear all,

Apologies for writing in English. Please help to translate in your language. We are excited to announce the upcoming Wiki Loves Ramadan event, a global initiative aimed at celebrating Ramadan by enriching Wikipedia and its sister projects with content related to this significant time of year. As we plan to organize this event globally, your insights and experiences are crucial in shaping the best possible participation experience for the community.

To ensure that Wiki Loves Ramadan is engaging, inclusive, and impactful, we kindly invite you to participate in our community engagement survey. Your feedback will help us understand the needs of the community, set the event's focus, and guide our strategies for organizing this global event.

Survey link: https://forms.gle/f66MuzjcPpwzVymu5

Please take a few minutes to share your thoughts. Your input will make a difference!

Thank you for being a part of our journey to make Wiki Loves Ramadan a success.

Warm regards,

User:ZI Jony 05:20, 6. Okt. 2024 (CEST)

Wiki Loves Ramadan Organizing Team

Vorläufige Ergebnisse der Wahlen zum Kuratorium der Wikimedia Foundation 2024

[Bornkood ännern]

Hallo allerseits,

vielen Dank für die Beteiligung an der Wahl zum Kuratorium der Wikimedia Foundation 2024. Rund 6000 Communitymitglieder aus über 180 Wikiprojekten haben abgestimmt.

Die folgenden vier Kandidierenden haben die meisten Stimmen erhalten:

  1. Christel Steigenberger
  2. Maciej Artur Nadzikiewicz
  3. Victoria Doronina
  4. Lorenzo Losa

Diese Kandidierenden haben die meisten Stimmen erhalten, müssen aber noch ins Kuratorium berufen werden. Dafür müssen sie erfolgreich eine Hintergrundüberprüfung durchlaufen und alle Kriterien erfüllen, die in den Statuten genannt werden. Die neuen Kuratoriumsmitglieder werden bei der nächsten Sitzung des Kuratoriums im Dezember 2024 ernannt.

Erfahre im Meta-Wiki mehr über die Ergebnisse.

Beste Grüße

Das Wahlkomitee und die Arbeitsgruppe für die Kuratoriumszusammenstellung

MPossoupe_(WMF) 10:25, 14. Okt. 2024 (CEST)[anter]

Suche nach Freiwilligen für mehrere Komitees der Wikimedia-Bewegung

[Bornkood ännern]

Jedes Jahr, in der Regel von Oktober bis Dezember, suchen mehrere Komitees der Wikimedia-Bewegung nach neuen Freiwilligen.

Erfahre mehr über die Komitees auf den jeweiligen Seiten im Meta-Wiki:

Die Bewerbungsphase für die Komitees startet am 16. Oktober 2024. Sie endet für das Affiliations-Komitee am 18. November 2024 und für die Ombudskommission sowie das Fallprüfungskomitee am 2. Dezember 2024. Erfahre, wie du dich bewirbst, indem du die Ernennungsseite im Meta-Wiki besuchst. Bitte melde dich mit etwaigen Fragen auf der Diskussionsseite oder über E-Mail an [email protected].

Für das Komitee-Unterstützungsteam

-- Keegan (WMF) (talk) 01:08, 17. Okt. 2024 (CEST)[anter]

Final Reminder: Join us in Making Wiki Loves Ramadan Success

[Bornkood ännern]

Dear all,

We’re thrilled to announce the Wiki Loves Ramadan event, a global initiative to celebrate Ramadan by enhancing Wikipedia and its sister projects with valuable content related to this special time of year. As we organize this event globally, we need your valuable input to make it a memorable experience for the community.

Last Call to Participate in Our Survey: To ensure that Wiki Loves Ramadan is inclusive and impactful, we kindly request you to complete our community engagement survey. Your feedback will shape the event’s focus and guide our organizing strategies to better meet community needs.

Please take a few minutes to share your thoughts. Your input will truly make a difference!

Volunteer Opportunity: Join the Wiki Loves Ramadan Team! We’re seeking dedicated volunteers for key team roles essential to the success of this initiative. If you’re interested in volunteer roles, we invite you to apply.

  • Application Link: Apply Here
  • Application Deadline: October 31, 2024

Explore Open Positions: For a detailed list of roles and their responsibilities, please refer to the position descriptions here: Position Descriptions

Thank you for being part of this journey. We look forward to working together to make Wiki Loves Ramadan a success!

Warm regards,
The Wiki Loves Ramadan Organizing Team 06:12, 29. Okt. 2024 (CET)

Sign up for the language community meeting on November 29th, 16:00 UTC

[Bornkood ännern]

Hello everyone,

The next language community meeting is coming up next week, on November 29th, at 16:00 UTC (Zonestamp! For your timezone <https://zonestamp.toolforge.org/1732896000>). If you're interested in joining, you can sign up on this wiki page: <https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Language_and_Product_Localization/Community_meetings#29_November_2024>.

This participant-driven meeting will be organized by the Wikimedia Foundation’s Language Product Localization team and the Language Diversity Hub. There will be presentations on topics like developing language keyboards, the creation of the Moore Wikipedia, and the language support track at Wiki Indaba. We will also have members from the Wayuunaiki community joining us to share their experiences with the Incubator and as a new community within our movement. This meeting will have a Spanish interpretation.

Looking forward to seeing you at the language community meeting! Cheers, Srishti 20:54, 21. Nov. 2024 (CET)[anter]

Launching! Join Us for Wiki Loves Ramadan 2025!

[Bornkood ännern]

Dear All,

We’re happy to announce the launch of Wiki Loves Ramadan 2025, an annual international campaign dedicated to celebrating and preserving Islamic cultures and history through the power of Wikipedia. As an active contributor to the Local Wikipedia, you are specially invited to participate in the launch.

This year’s campaign will be launched for you to join us write, edit, and improve articles that showcase the richness and diversity of Islamic traditions, history, and culture.

To get started, visit the campaign page for details, resources, and guidelines: Wiki Loves Ramadan 2025.

Add your community here, and organized Wiki Loves Ramadan 2025 in your local language.

Whether you’re a first-time editor or an experienced Wikipedian, your contributions matter. Together, we can ensure Islamic cultures and traditions are well-represented and accessible to all.

Feel free to invite your community and friends too. Kindly reach out if you have any questions or need support as you prepare to participate.

Let’s make Wiki Loves Ramadan 2025 a success!

For the International Team 13:08, 16. Jan. 2025 (CET)

Universal Code of Conduct annual review: provide your comments on the UCoC and Enforcement Guidelines

[Bornkood ännern]

My apologies for writing in English. Hilf bitte mit, in deine Sprache zu übersetzen.

I am writing to you to let you know the annual review period for the Universal Code of Conduct and Enforcement Guidelines is open now. You can make suggestions for changes through 3 February 2025. This is the first step of several to be taken for the annual review. Read more information and find a conversation to join on the UCoC page on Meta.

The Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C) is a global group dedicated to providing an equitable and consistent implementation of the UCoC. This annual review was planned and implemented by the U4C. For more information and the responsibilities of the U4C, you may review the U4C Charter.

Please share this information with other members in your community wherever else might be appropriate.

-- In cooperation with the U4C, Keegan (WMF) (talk) 02:11, 24. Jan. 2025 (CET)[anter]

Reminder: first part of the annual UCoC review closes soon

[Bornkood ännern]

My apologies for writing in English. Hilf bitte mit, in deine Sprache zu übersetzen.

This is a reminder that the first phase of the annual review period for the Universal Code of Conduct and Enforcement Guidelines will be closing soon. You can make suggestions for changes through the end of day, 3 February 2025. This is the first step of several to be taken for the annual review. Read more information and find a conversation to join on the UCoC page on Meta. After review of the feedback, proposals for updated text will be published on Meta in March for another round of community review.

Please share this information with other members in your community wherever else might be appropriate.

-- In cooperation with the U4C, Keegan (WMF) (talk) 01:48, 3. Feb. 2025 (CET)[anter]

Anstehendes Treffen des Sprachkomitees (28. Februar, 14:00 UTC) und Newsletter

[Bornkood ännern]

Hallo allerseits!

Ein Bild, das mehrere Sprachen symbolisiert

Wir freuen uns, ankündigen zu können, dass das nächste Treffen des Sprachkomitees bald stattfindet, am 28. Februar um 14:00 UTC! Wenn du teilnehmen möchtest, melde dich einfach über die Wikiseite an.

Dies ist ein von den Teilnehmenden angetriebenes Treffen, bei dem wir Neuigkeiten zu sprachbezogenen Projekten austauschen, über technische Herausforderungen in Sprach-Wikis sprechen und gemeinsam an Lösungen arbeiten. In unserem letzten Treffen haben wir Themen wie die Entwicklung von Sprachtastaturen, den Start der Mòoré-Wikipedia und Neuigkeiten aus den Veranstaltungen zur Sprachunterstützung auf der Wiki Indaba behandelt.

Du hast ein Thema, das du einbringen möchtest? Egal, ob es um technische Neuigkeiten aus deinem Projekt, eine Herausforderung, bei der du Hilfe suchst, oder eine Anfrage um Simultanübersetzung geht, wir freuen uns, von dir zu hören! Du kannst gerne auf diese Nachricht antworten oder Tagesordnungspunkte zu diesem Dokument hinzufügen.

Außerdem wollten wir darauf hinweisen, dass die sechste Ausgabe des Newsletters „Sprache und Internationalisierung“ (Januar 2025) verfügbar ist: Wikimedia Language and Product Localization/Newsletter/2025/January. Dieser Newsletter enthält Informationen aus dem Quartal Oktober-Dezember 2024 über die Entwicklung neuer Funktionen, Verbesserungen verschiedener sprachbezogener technischer Projekte und Unterstützungsmaßnahmen, Details über Communitytreffen und Ideen für das Beitragen zu Projekten. Um auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben, kannst du den Newsletter über seine Wiki-Seite abonnieren: Wikimedia Language and Product Localization/Newsletter.

Wir freuen uns auf deine Ideen und deine Teilnahme am Treffen des Sprachkomitees, bis bald!

MediaWiki message delivery 09:29, 22. Feb. 2025 (CET)[anter]

Universal Code of Conduct annual review: proposed changes are available for comment

[Bornkood ännern]

My apologies for writing in English. Hilf bitte mit, in deine Sprache zu übersetzen.

I am writing to you to let you know that proposed changes to the Universal Code of Conduct (UCoC) Enforcement Guidelines and Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C) Charter are open for review. You can provide feedback on suggested changes through the end of day on Tuesday, 18 March 2025. This is the second step in the annual review process, the final step will be community voting on the proposed changes. Read more information and find relevant links about the process on the UCoC annual review page on Meta.

The Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C) is a global group dedicated to providing an equitable and consistent implementation of the UCoC. This annual review was planned and implemented by the U4C. For more information and the responsibilities of the U4C, you may review the U4C Charter.

Please share this information with other members in your community wherever else might be appropriate.

-- In cooperation with the U4C, Keegan (WMF) 19:51, 7. Mär 2025 (CET)[anter]