EO 36 (2019) by Paul Bradshaw
Papers by Paul Bradshaw
Contents vi 8 Catherine Bell 166 Ritual, change, and changing rituals 167 The authority of ritual... more Contents vi 8 Catherine Bell 166 Ritual, change, and changing rituals 167 The authority of ritual experts
Church History and Religious Culture, May 27, 2019

Theology, 2004
Jerusalem to the fifth century (p. 126). It is all the more disappointing, therefore, to find tha... more Jerusalem to the fifth century (p. 126). It is all the more disappointing, therefore, to find that he only draws on that scholarship when it supports his own views, that he rarely acknowledges it when it does not, and still less does he to allow it to modify his understanding. Thus, for example, he is quite happy to reiterate the medieval teaching that 'Jesus ordained the Apostles and their successors to celebrate the Mass when He said, "Do this . . . in remembrance of Me'" (pp. 53-4). Nor is there much sign of any ecumenical perspective in his writing: 'Where on earth can we find a universal Church that worships in a manner that is true to John's vision? ... Where else but in the Catholic Church, and most particularly in the Mass?' (p. 89). It is a pity that the author's obvious academic ability and communication skills were not used to present a picture more in line with the consensus of contemporary theology. The laity deserve better.
Theology, 2017
The leading twentieth-century Anglican liturgical scholar, Gregory Dix, strongly supported the ad... more The leading twentieth-century Anglican liturgical scholar, Gregory Dix, strongly supported the adoption of an offertory procession at the Eucharist by arguing that it had been a universal feature in the pre-Nicene Church intended to express the self-offering of the people. More recent research suggests that this was not the case, and that the people's gifts of bread and wine were more commonly handed in before the service began. In the light of this, can an offertory procession still be justified?
Ecclesiology, Feb 5, 2016
Beginnings 3 Syria and Egypt 10 Rome and North Africa 18 The fourth-century synthesis 28 From adu... more Beginnings 3 Syria and Egypt 10 Rome and North Africa 18 The fourth-century synthesis 28 From adult to infant baptism 38 EUCHARIST 45 Communion: the sacred meal 47 Anamnesis and epiclesis: the eucharistic prayer 54 'The bloodless sacrifice 62 Holy food 70 10 Let all mortal flesh keep silence' 77 LITURGICAL TIME 83 11 Daily prayer 85 12 Sunday 91 13 Easter and Pentecost 97 14 Christmas, Epiphany, and Lent 104 15 Saints' days 110 INDEX n s v Abbreviations AIR: Yarnold, E. The awe-inspiring rites o f initiation (
Studia liturgica, Sep 1, 2014
Studies in Church History, 1999
As a result of the great advances that have been made in liturgical scholarship in the last few d... more As a result of the great advances that have been made in liturgical scholarship in the last few decades, we now know much less about early eucharistic worship than we once thought that we did. Indeed, it sometimes appears that if things keep on at their present rate, it is possible that we shall soon find that we know absolutely nothing at all; for a large part of what current research has achieved has been to demolish theories that had been built on unreliable foundations. As this paper will demonstrate, the older consensus that there had existed a large measure of continuity between the eucharistic practices of the various early Christian communities is slowly giving way to the acceptance that there are considerable gaps in our knowledge of the period, and that what evidence there is points more towards variety than towards uniformity of practice.
... Christ. However, there are some signs that the fivefold confession of faith found instead of ... more ... Christ. However, there are some signs that the fivefold confession of faith found instead of this in later Coptic liturgical rites may have also existed in early times, perhaps as an alternative to the interrogatory form in some places. ...
Journal of Anglican Studies
Liturgical revision in the Anglican Communion has proceeded relatively slowly since the days of G... more Liturgical revision in the Anglican Communion has proceeded relatively slowly since the days of Gregory Dix. While some changes have occurred, especially in the use of modern language, in other ways most rites remain uninfluenced by changes in society and by recent advances in scholarship.
Encyclopedia of the Bible Online
Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum / Journal of Ancient Christianity
Theology, 2006
£50.00 hbk; £19.99 pbk 'Mainstream academic twentieth-century Catholic Eucharistic theology dista... more £50.00 hbk; £19.99 pbk 'Mainstream academic twentieth-century Catholic Eucharistic theology distanced itself from the Jewish (and Catholic) mode of communion in and through sacrifice', alleges the author (p. 25), and replaced it with what he terms 'Eucharistic idealism', defined as 'the linear-supersessionist displacement of the Jewish mode of embodied sacrificial communion by spiritualizing accounts of Eucharistic communion with God' (p. 8). The roots of this development he ascribes to the influence of

Theology, 2004
and even (in Christian-sounding language) sacrifice that Kazantzakis sets before us. Others like ... more and even (in Christian-sounding language) sacrifice that Kazantzakis sets before us. Others like Camus, Owens reminds us, baulked at such language, preferring to talk of 'the absurd': all of us find ourselves in an inexplicable situation which simply demands to be recognized as such. As well as his spiritual exercises Kazantzakis left us an autobiography, Report to Greco, and personal writings which Owens has examined. If we did not have these, it might seem that the philosophy outlined in the novels especially The Last Temptation and God's Pauper, about St Francis was just a 'ragamuffin': something which the characters care about but which leaves us indifferent. Owens shows clearly and intelligently that this is not so. Kazantzakis believed humanity had a moral task before it, to face destiny (the abyss) and create 'God' anew in the face of it: 'Our lifetime is a brief flash, but sufficient.'
EO 36 (2019) by Paul Bradshaw
Papers by Paul Bradshaw