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Abstract: The early modern phenomenon of British Antiquarianism can be traced to the Renaissance rediscovery of the classical chorographic tradition. While the term 'chorography'eventually fell out of use, its influence can... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologySeventeenth Century
The “Hidden Landscape of a Roman Frontier” is a collaborative research project run and jointly funded by Canterbury Christ Church University (CCCU) and Historic Environment Scotland (HES). Intended to run for a 3-year period, it began in... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyArtGenealogy
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    • Theoretical Roman Archaeology
This thesis offers a critique of currently dominant approaches to the history and archaeology of the Antonine Wall, and develops an expanded place---centred perspective in which this former Roman frontier is reinvested with wider... more
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      ArtCultural HeritageLandscape ArchaeologyArchaeology of Place
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      Late AntiquityAncient Greek HistoriographyFragmentary Greek Historiography
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    • Hellenistic History
Polybios’ Book XII provides crucial evidence concerning Timaios, the main object of Polybios’ scorn. Scholars have occasionally studied his specific attacks on Timaios but have tended to concern themselves with the question of whether the... more
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      Ancient HistoriographyFragmentary Greek Historiography
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      Ancient HistoriographyPolybius
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      Ancient Greek HistoriographyFragmentary Greek HistoriographyEphorus of Cyme
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      Alexander the GreatHistory of Ancient Macedonia
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      Ancient Greek HistoriographyHerodotus, Thucydides, and Historiography
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      Ethnic IdentityThucydidesAncient Greek History
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      Ancient Greek HistoriographyHerodotusHerodotus, Thucydides, and Historiography
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      Ancient Greek HistoriographyHerodotus
Review of Pia de Fidio and Clara Talamo, edd., with the collaboration of Luigi Vecchio, Eforo di Cuma nella storia della storiografia greca. Atti dell’Incontro Internazionale di Studi Fisciano-Salerno, 10–12 dicembre 2008, 2 vols. (La... more
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      Ancient Greek HistoriographyFragmentary Greek HistoriographyEphorus of Cyme
Between 1906 and 1909 the biologist Ronald Ross and the classicist W.H.S. Jones pioneered interdisciplinary research in biology and history in advancing the claim that malaria had been crucial in the decline of golden-age Greece (fourth... more
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      MalariaHistory of MalariaAncient Greek History
This paper offers a brief investigation of what the fragments of the third-century BC author Duris of Samos reveal about the relationship between comedy and history. I argue that his citations of comic poetry match his stated concern... more
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      Hellenistic HistoriographyFragmentary Greek HistoriographyAncient Greek ComedyDuris of Samos
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      Hellenistic LiteratureAncient Greek HistoriographyHerodotus
Cassius Dio’s Roman History is an essential, yet still undervalued, source for modern historians of the late Roman Republic. The papers in this volume show how his account can be used to gain new perspectives on such topics as the memory... more
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