National Cheng Kung University
Department of Foreign Languages and Literature
This essay proposes to read the "anagram" of Barthes's erotic body as encoded in the textual body of S/Z. It explores how Barthes achieves his textual pleasure/jouissance through breaking apart and reassembling the various bodies of signs... more
Modern scholarship on Mozi has established an interpretative tradition of equating Mobian with logic. My study takes issue with this tradition, criticizing its failure to locate the tension between logic and rhetoric in the Mohist art of... more
(NCKU) in Taiwan. His research interests include context-aware ubiquitous learning, instructional system design, mobile learning, writing tutorials, CMC and blended learning. Miss Jing-Yao Chen graduated from the Department of Foreign... more
This paper reports two studies. The first one investigates how two 10-year-old Taiwanese-Hungarian balanced bilingual twin boys translated sentence-embedded words between their native languages over a six-month period as the physical... more
Process-oriented writing approach is an effective way of helping EFL students to learn writing in English. However, EFL teachers who favor this approach often encounter difficulties in organizing one-to-one conferences, peer-reviews, and... more
- by Shin-Mei Kao
Writing teachers often encounter challenges in both guiding the students during their writing process, as well as in evaluating the students’ works. The concepts of “textual analysis” in the teaching and evaluation processes offer a... more
Assessment for language learning, like a double-edged sword, brings both positive and negative washback effects on learners in formal educational contexts. For course designers and instructors, the goal is to maximize the positive effects... more
The general public in Taiwan have been interpreting the term "bilingual education" differently, leading to confusion in formulating national policies, especially for compulsory education, and possibly resulting in failures of reaching the... more
- by Shin-Mei Kao
採用「學科內容和語言整合教學」(Content and Language Integrated Learning, CLIL)理念發展出的課程設計,強調在真實情境下以標的語(target language)作為發展領域知識的傳遞工具,這個理念與素養導向新課綱所強調的核心理念:培養學生具備帶著走的知識並成為終生自主學習者,十分吻合。本文介紹一份由參加臺南市雙語實驗計畫的學校,與輔導此計畫實施的國立成功大學外語中心研究團隊,協力發展出的「十二... more
Due to globalization, many graduate programs in Taiwan offer English medium instruction (EMI) lo encourage enrollment of international students and lo prepare local students for competitive job markets. These programs require evaluation... more
In 2018, Taiwan's Ministry of Education (MOE) announced the national bilingual education (BE) policy with the goal of implementing full-scale bilingualization in the national education system. Though the details for putting the policy... more
This paper reports two studies. The first one investigates how two 10-year-old Taiwanese-Hungarian balanced bilingual twin boys translated sentence-embedded words between their native languages over a six-month period as the physical... more
In 2018, Taiwan's Ministry of Education (MOE) announced the national bilingual education (BE) policy and its commitment toward implementing full-scale bilingualization in the national education system. Though the details for putting the... more