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Visual discomfort has been the subject of considerable research in relation to stereoscopic and autostereoscopic displays. In this paper, the importance of various causes and aspects of visual discomfort is clarified. When disparity... more
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      Imaging ScienceMeasurement and EvaluationVisual comfortStereoscopic 3-D
Visual discomfort has been the subject of considerable research in relation to stereoscopic and autostereoscopic displays, but remains an ambiguous concept used to denote a variety of subjective symptoms potentially related to different... more
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      OptometryVisual comfortStereoscopic 3-DDepth Perception
This article concerns the benefits of presenting abstract data in 3D. Two experiments show that motion cues combined with stereo viewing can substantially increase the size of tbe graph that can be perceived. The first experiment was... more
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      Information SystemsInformation VisualizationInformation StructureNetwork Visualization
We examined how depth information from two different cue types (object motion and texture gradient) is integrated into a single estimate in human vision. Two critical assumptions of a recent'model of depth cue combination (termed moa!i@d... more
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      Motion perceptionDepth PerceptionSensor FusionHuman Vision
Codes 935 and 588, Greenbelt, MD 20771 ______________________________________________________________________ More powerful contemporary computer hardware has enabled the development and exploration of a wide variety of techniques to... more
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      Information SystemsACM Transactions on Computer Human Interaction
In this paper, the new challenges of 3DTV for subjective assessment are discussed. Conventional 2D methods have severe limitations which will be revealed. Based on the understanding of the new characteristics brought by 3DTV, changes and... more
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    • Video quality assessment
At present the foundations are being laid out for the implementation of three-dimensional television. Apart from the engineering problems to be solved there are a number of questions connected with human factors which have to be answered.... more
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      Screen SizeMotion ParallaxElectrical And Electronic Engineering
An accurate perception of the distance between an object and a nearby surface can increase a viewer's sense of presence in an immersive environment, particularly when a user is performing actions that affect or are affected by this... more
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    • Immersive Environment
Mites are one of the most notorious and destructive pests affecting stored grains, contaminating stored grain with toxins and reducing germination rates. Applying synthetic miticides is the sole method for providing knockdown control of... more
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Nitrification, the microbial oxidation of ammonia to nitrite and nitrate, occurs in a wide variety of environments and plays a central role in the global nitrogen cycle. Catalyzed by the enzyme ammonia monooxygenase, the ability to... more
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      Species SpecificityBase SequenceGeologic SedimentsMolecular Sequence Data
Limbah yang digunakan adalah grey water. Jenis reaktor adalah kombinasi Anaerobic Baffled Reactor (ABR) dan Anaerobic Filter (AF). Reaktor I terdiri atas 4 kompartemen ABR dan 1 kompartemen AF, sementara Reaktor II terdiri atas 3... more
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      Grey WaterEffluent PolishingRock FilterLow Cost Treatment
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      PharmacologyBiochemistryPharmacyFood Science
The concentration of an organic compound in soil based on the entire soil mass is not a proper measure of its contamination intensity.
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      Environmental PollutionSoil contaminationData ConsistencyOrganic Chemicals
The sorption of phenanthrene (PHN) to relatively pure soil humic acids (HAs) was investigated to assess the suitability of the soil HA as a surrogate sorbent for the soil organic matter (SOM). The HAs were prepared in both freeze-dried... more
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      Environmental PollutionHumic SubstancesOrganic Chemicals
Because some important data were miscalculated, we have modified them as follows:
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      Hydrogen-Ion ConcentrationFerric Compounds
As a solution theory, Raoult's law is commonly used to estimate the activities of solutes and solvents of comparable molecular sizes while the Flory-Huggins (F-H) model is used for the activities of small liquids in high polymers. For a... more
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    • Solution Chemistry
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      EngineeringOrganic Chemicals
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      GeochemistryApplied GeochemistryENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND MANAGEMENT
The micropore volumes of 2 montmorillonites (SAz-1 and SWy-1), each exchanged with Ca, Na, K, Cs and tetramethylammonium (TMA) ions, were calculated from the measured vapor adsorption data of N 2 and neo-hexane by use of t-and a~-plots.... more
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      GeologySoil sciences
A high-charge smectite from Arizona [cation-exchange capacity (CEC) = 120 meq/100 g] and a low-charge smectite from Wyoming (CEC = 90 meq/100 g) were used to prepare homoionic tetramethylammonium (TMA)-clay complexes. The adsorption of... more
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      GeologySoil sciencesAromatic Hydrocarbon