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The aerospace community, particularly in academia, has seen a recent rise in the popularity of fixed-pitch quadrotor helicopters. The fixed-pitch quadrotor is popular largely because of its mechanical simplicity relative to other hovering... more
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Erratum to: ann. behav. med.DOI 10.1007/s12160-009-9151-2In “Sun Protection Intervention for Highway Workers: Long-Term Efficacy of UV Photography and Skin Cancer Information on Men’s Protective Cognitions and Behavior” (Volume 38, Number... more
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    • Education
The relation between perceived racial discrimination and substance use was examined in two studies that were based on the prototype -willingness model . Study 1, using structural equation modeling, revealed prospective relations between... more
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      MarketingPsychologyCognitive SciencePsychological Tests
Racial differences in the effects of peer and media influence on adolescents' alcohol cognitions and consumption were examined in a large-scale panel study. With regard to peer influence, results from cross-lagged panel analyses indicated... more
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      PsychologyPeer influenceEuropean Continental Ancestry GroupPsychological Models
Dielectrophoretic Field-Flow Fractionation (DEP-FFF) is a technique that selects particles of interest from a mixture of many samples. Conventional DEP-FFF technique used DEP force to levitate particles to different heights according to... more
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      Flow Field Flow FractionationCell separation
We study particle levitation in a dielectrophoretic field-flow fraction ͑DEP-FFF͒ flow sorter by using theoretical and numerical methods. By balancing DEP forces with gravitational and buoyant forces, one can obtain the analytical... more
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      Flow Field Flow FractionationFirst-Order LogicOptical physicsElectrical And Electronic Engineering
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      Rocket PropulsionHybrid Rocket Motors
Laser-assisted direct imprinting (LADI) is an etching-free and high throughput fabrication process in a submicron scale, though complete theoretical modeling and physical analysis have not yet been investigated. The present study... more
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Establishing the neighbor list to efficiently calculate the inter-atomic forces consumes the majority of computation time in molecular dynamics (MD) simulation. Several algorithms have been proposed to improve the computation efficiency... more
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    • Molecular Dynamics Simulation
The melting duration and molten depth are key information for laser-assisted direct imprinting (LADI), which raises the issue of the melting and solidification induced by an excimer pulse laser shining through unilaterally transparent... more
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    • Nano Fabrication
Laser-assisted direct imprinting (LADI) technique has been proposed to utilize an excimer laser to irradiate and heat up the substrate surface through a highly-transparent quartz mold preloaded on this substrate for micro-to nano-scaled... more
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    • Nano Fabrication
This paper studies the aerodynamic performance of a finite wing at low Reynolds numbers through wind tunnel experiments. The 3-component force/moment balance and surface oil-flow technique are respectively used to investigate the... more
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    • Aerodynamics
This article experimentally investigated the evolution of the aerodynamic performance parameters and flow field of a two-dimensional airfoil called NACA 63 3 -018 with Reynolds numbers ranging from 1.32×10 4 to 1.09×10 5 . Measurement... more
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    • Aerodynamics
In order to prevent the spurious wave reflections and to improve the computational efficiency in nanomechanical simulation, this dissertation performs a series of theoretical/numerical studies on the crystalline solid material, including... more
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      Materials ScienceMolecular Dyanamics
In this thesis, the theoretical and the experimental approaches were performed to study the transitional characteristics of aerodynamic coefficients and flow field of the NACA 633-018 airfoil at Re ranging from 1.32×10E4 ~ 1.09×10E5. For... more
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This paper is concerned with constructing a high-G drop impact test condition for investigating the impact-induced failure phenomenon of the solder ball array located in the chip packaged printed circuit board. An impact environment... more
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      EngineeringMechanical EngineeringCivil EngineeringAerospace Engineering
This paper emphasized on studying the high strain-rate compression behavior of the unleaded Sn-3Ag-0.5Cu (SAC305), Sn-1Ag-0.5Cu (SAC105) solders and the traditional Sn-37Pb eutectic solder. The split Hopkinson pressure bar (SHPB)... more
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      Computer ScienceMaterials ScienceElectrical And Electronic EngineeringStrain rate sensitivity
In this work, effects of square cut-outs on the natural frequencies and mode shapes of cross-ply laminates made of S-glass~epoxy, unidirectional pre-preg tape (Fiberite, Hy-E 9134B) are reported. The first three natural frequencies and... more
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      EngineeringMaterials Science
The purpose of this work is to study the dynamic mechanical response of silicon wafer subjected to low-velocity impact loading. Transient finite element analysis was utilized to obtain the numerical simulated result and was used to check... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringCivil EngineeringMathematicsApplied Mathematics
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      Mechanical EngineeringCivil EngineeringAcousticsMaterials Science