As previously announced, in collaboration with our partners at the International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration (INSDC), we will begin to systematically gather ‘location of collection’ and ‘date and time of collection’ for sequence data submitted to GenBank and the Sequence Read Archive (SRA). Gathering information about where and when a biological sample was collected aligns with other global sequence submission standardization efforts and will increase the utility of data made available through GenBank and SRA. These changes will be implemented in a phased approach through December 2024.
What’s new?
Sequence data submitted to GenBank and the SRA will need to include information about location and date and time of sample collection. These metadata will be entered using the pre-existing fields ‘country’ and ‘collection_date.’ Minimum information for these fields is described below. We encourage submitters to provide additional details when available: Continue reading “Coming Soon! Including Sample Location and Collection Date and Time for Sequences Submitted to GenBank and SRA”