Tag: PubMed Central (PMC)

PubMed Central (PMC) Transitions to Updated Website

PubMed Central (PMC) Transitions to Updated Website

The next step in the modernization of PMC 

As previously announced, NLM’s NCBI transitioned to an updated PubMed Central (PMC) website, representing the next step in ongoing efforts to modernize NLM’s products and services. As part of this update, the primary URL for the PMC website has changed from ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc to pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov. In addition, you’ll notice a new look, feel, and organization of PMC article pages and the PMC Journal List.   

The updated website runs on cloud services to ensure the website’s long-term sustainability and reliability. It also incorporates U.S. Web Design System (USWDS) components and design principles to improve PMC’s readability and accessibility, whether you are visiting on a desktop computer, mobile device, or accessing its content using assistive technology.  Continue reading “PubMed Central (PMC) Transitions to Updated Website”

Preview Upcoming Improvements to PubMed Central (PMC)

Preview Upcoming Improvements to PubMed Central (PMC)

Updated article display and journal list

Since announcing the launch of a more modern PubMed Central (PMC) website in March 2022, NLM’s NCBI continues to make improvements based on your feedback. We invite you to preview the latest improvements planned for the PMC website. These improvements will become the default in October 2024 and include an updated article display, enhanced PMC journal list, and other features to help you access information quickly and easily. Click on the “Try it out now” link in the banner on the top of any ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc page to preview and experience these improvements for yourself.   Continue reading “Preview Upcoming Improvements to PubMed Central (PMC)”

Using NCBI Data and Tools for Your Research Project

Using NCBI Data and Tools for Your Research Project

Are you a biology student working on a research project? NCBI offers free access to a wide variety of resources and tools to help you find and download data for your project. 

How and why do you use our resources? Check out the example below:

Your professor has assigned you a research project looking at the sequence and structure of the TP53 gene in the domestic cat (Felis catus). In addition, you were asked to find information on this gene and its genomic region in other members of the cat family (Felidae).  Continue reading “Using NCBI Data and Tools for Your Research Project”

NCBI Pathogen Detection Plays Key Role in Identification of a Novel Shiga Toxin Subtype

NCBI Pathogen Detection Plays Key Role in Identification of a Novel Shiga Toxin Subtype

Using the Pathogen Detection pipeline, we recently found new Shiga toxin 2 (stx2) subtypes in isolates from the United States collected as part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) routine disease surveillance. Our pipeline relies on AMRFinderPlus to identify anti-microbial resistance (AMR), stress-resistance, and virulence genes. We screened over 60,000 E. coli and Shigella genomes for Shiga toxin, a factor associated with food borne illness. These analysis results and full AMRFinderPlus results for now over 270,000 E. coli and Shigella genomes are available in the MicroBIGG-E browser. Continue reading “NCBI Pathogen Detection Plays Key Role in Identification of a Novel Shiga Toxin Subtype”

Putting Content into Context: Clarifying PubMed Central’s Role as an Archive

Putting Content into Context: Clarifying PubMed Central’s Role as an Archive

The role of a library in a digital world continues to evolve and expand. NLM’s PubMed Central (PMC) has a large and diverse user base that includes students and the public, as well as researchers, clinicians, and librarians. We recognize that these different audiences have varying levels of familiarity with PMC as an archive of literature published by other organizations, as well as with NLM, the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and the scholarly publishing process. That’s why we recently updated how we describe, display, and share articles in PMC to provide our users with more context and help them more accurately cite the correct source of an article made available in PMC.  

Here are the updates made to PMC:

Continue reading “Putting Content into Context: Clarifying PubMed Central’s Role as an Archive”

Read About NCBI Resources in 2023 Nucleic Acids Research Database Issue

Read About NCBI Resources in 2023 Nucleic Acids Research Database Issue

The 2023 Nucleic Acids Research Database Issue features papers from NCBI staff on GenBank, Conserved Domain Database, and more. The citations are available in PubMed with full-text available in PubMed Central (PMC). To read an article, click on the PMCID number listed below.  Continue reading “Read About NCBI Resources in 2023 Nucleic Acids Research Database Issue”

New Enhancements to PMC Website

New Enhancements to PMC Website

Legacy view will no longer be available effective late-March 2023 

You asked, we listened! We appreciate your feedback since the launch of the updated PubMed Central (PMC) website in March 2022, and we made several improvements to help you better access PMC. These updates include: 

  • Streamlined functionality to get formatted citation information that includes the PubMed format (NBIB file), that works easily on both web and mobile, and is consistent across the PubMed and PMC sites (see number 1 in the image below).  
  • Updated functionality to easily add an article to your My NCBI collections through PMC’s new “Collections” button (number 2 below).  
  • An improved “Resources” section that allows easy access to articles similar to the one you are viewing, other papers that cite that article, and links to related data records in other NCBI databases (number 3 below).  

New article view in PMC. Updates are illustrated with yellow number squares: 1) “Cite” button provides formatted citation information; 2) “Collection” button adds the article to My NCBI collections; 3) “Resources” button finds related articles; 4) “Feedback” button to communicate with NCBI.  Continue reading “New Enhancements to PMC Website”

Next Phase of the NIH Preprint Pilot Launching Soon

Next Phase of the NIH Preprint Pilot Launching Soon

Phase 2 expands the scope of the preprints included in PubMed and PMC

Last month, the National Library of Medicine (NLM) announced plans to extend its NIH Preprint Pilot in PubMed Central (PMC) and PubMed beyond COVID-19 to encompass all preprints reporting on NIH-funded research. The second phase of the pilot, launching later this month, will include preprints supported by an NIH award, contract, or intramural program and posted to an eligible preprint server on or after January 1, 2023.   Continue reading “Next Phase of the NIH Preprint Pilot Launching Soon”

New PMC Website Design is Live!

New PMC Website Design is Live!

We have launched a fresh look and feel to the PubMed Central (PMC) website, which marks the first step of an ongoing modernization effort. The updated website will allow us to make continuous enhancements to PMC based on your feedback.  

What Has Changed? 

Now when you visit PMC’s homepage, you will see:  

  • A redesigned and reorganized homepage  
  • Easy-to-navigate help documentation  
  • A similar look and feel between features in PMC and PubMed  
  • A streamlined article display  

Figure 1 highlights features of the new PMC article display. You can also find the most up-to-date version of this information in PMC’s User Guide. Continue reading “New PMC Website Design is Live!”