NCBI’s Pathogen Detection resource collects, analyzes, and reports on bacterial and fungal isolate genome sequences for outbreak identification and tracking. Pathogen Detection is also central to the surveillance of anti-microbial resistance, virulence, and stress resistance for 97 pathogenic taxa covering 753 species, and now includes analysis results for over 2 million isolates!
How does Pathogen Detection work?
Pathogen Detection provides two major automated real-time analyses:
- It quickly clusters related pathogen genome sequences to identify potential transmission chains helping public health scientists investigate disease outbreaks.
- As part of the National Database of Antibiotic Resistant Organisms (NDARO), NCBI screens genomic sequences using AMRFinderPlus to identify the antimicrobial resistance, stress response, and virulence genes found in bacterial genomic sequences. This enables scientists to track the spread of resistance genes and to understand the relationships among antimicrobial resistance, stress response, and virulence.
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