It’s time we do another roundup of what’s been happening on YouTube!
First up, the NCBI YouTube channel has merged with the NLM YouTube channel. You’ll now be able to find diverse content all on one channel, from tips on using resources to fascinating moments in the history of medicine and more!
On September 18, 2017, NCBI staff will offer a workshop on EDirect, NCBI’s suite of programs for easy command line access to literature and biomolecular records. To join the workshop, please register.
NOTE: This is an in-person workshop at the National Library of Medicine on the NIH campus in Bethesda, MD, USA. The course is limited to 22 participants.
New icons are starting to appear in PubMed that take you directly to free full text publications uploaded in an institutional repository (IR). Here’s an example:
The icons only appear when there is no free full text available from the journal or PMC (PubMed Central). So far, only 4 IRs with eligible publications are participating – you can see which ones they are here. They already expand access to around 25,000 publications.
The NCBI program that enables this is LinkOut. You can read more about it in the NLM Technical Bulletin. IRs can apply by email to join LinkOut. And if you are an author at an institution with a repository, support your IR and enable more people to read your work.
This blog post is directed toward medical or science librarians in the United States who offer bioinformatics education and support services or are planning to offer such services in the future.
These graduates represent 61 libraries, hospitals and government agencies from 27 states and the District of Columbia. Librarian’s Guide graduates now form a core community of NCBI-trained bioinformatics support specialists who maintain collaboration and mutual support through an online forum and monthly NCBI “Office hours” videoconference discussion sessions with course faculty and students. Materials from the 2013, 2014 and 2015 courses are available now, as well as lecture videos for the expression module.
Figure 1. Participants in the March 2015 A Librarian’s Guide to NCBI course. This class included 29 biomedical and science librarians.
NCBI, in collaboration with NLM and the National Network of Libraries of Medicine NLM Training Center (NTC) at the University of Utah, recently presented the second offering of A Librarian’s Guide to NCBI. Health Sciences Librarians from 17 universities and two federal agencies attended the five-day intensive course on the NIH campus. This second offering of the training continues to prepare health science librarians for supporting NCBI molecular databases and tools, and training patrons in the use of NCBI resources at their own institutions.
Participants and instructors from the 2014 “A Librarian’s Guide to NCBI” outside of the National Library of Medicine.
As before, all the course materials are available online. Feel free to learn from them, adapt them for your own teaching, and share them with others. You can use the links below to access the updated 2014 course materials. These include the slide sets with demonstrations and practice problems.