Tag: My Bibliography

Logging into your My NCBI account is now easier, faster and more secure!

Logging into your My NCBI account is now easier, faster and more secure!

As of June 2022, you will be required to login using a 3rd-party option.

As we announced previously, beginning June 2022, you will no longer be able to log into your My NCBI account with your My NCBI username and password.

We launched our Password Retirement Wizard last summer to help you link a 3rd-party login to your My NCBI account and retire your password. Currently, the wizard is opt-in, which means you can retire your password at your convenience. In June, retiring your password will become mandatory to access any features that require a My NCBI login. Continue reading “Logging into your My NCBI account is now easier, faster and more secure!”

Update on My NCBI log-in changes and the Password Retirement Wizard

As we announced previously, the way you log into your My NCBI account will change from your My NCBI username and password to a 3rd-party login. On June 22, we disabled the ability to create new My NCBI passwords and in July we launched the Password Retirement Wizard, which will activate when you login here with a native NCBI password. (Figure 1).

Figure 1. The Password Retirement Wizard screens. The wizard will offer you the option (opt-in) to change your password to a 3rd party login when you sign in at https://account.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/migrate/ with a native NCBI password. You may choose from any of the available 3rd party accounts. Clicking on an option will take you to the sign-in screen for on the 3rd party website.

Continue reading “Update on My NCBI log-in changes and the Password Retirement Wizard”

July 28 Webinar: An update on native NCBI password retirement

July 28 Webinar: An update on native NCBI password retirement

The password you set at NCBI to log in to My NCBI, SciENcv, My Bibliography, or submit data to NCBI, will be going away. You will soon have to link a third-party login (e.g. eRA Commons, Google, Microsoft, or a university or institutional log in) to access your account. Join us on July 28, 2021 at 12PM eastern time to learn learn what you need to do link a third-party login using our Wizards, get an updated timeline for the transition third-party logins, and get answers to your questions.

  • Date and time: Wed, July 28, 2021 12:00 PM – 12:45 PM EDT
  • Register

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information about attending the webinar. A few days after the live presentation, you can view the recording on the NCBI webinars playlist on the NLM YouTube channel. You can learn about future webinars on the Webinars and Courses page.

NCBI on YouTube: Tips for My Bibliography, Genome Data Viewer and more

Missed our latest YouTube videos? Scroll down to see what we’ve been up to.

Add Preprint Citations in My Bibliography

The National Institutes of Health encourages investigators to post preprints to public repositories in order to speed the dissemination and enhance the rigor of their work. This video demonstrates how to add preprint citations to My Bibliography.

Continue reading “NCBI on YouTube: Tips for My Bibliography, Genome Data Viewer and more”

Important Update About How You Log Into your NCBI Accounts

Update:  Based on feedback  we have received, we are moving the date when creating new accounts with 3rd-party credentials is required to June 2021. We will provide more details in the coming weeks.

As mentioned in a previous blog post, we are transitioning to using 3rd party logins for all My NCBI accounts. We are doing this because NIH, NLM, and NCBI take your privacy and security very seriously. Transitioning to 3rd parties who have modern and industry-standard security practices ensures that you have the highest level of security and enables us to focus our resources on improving your experience once you log in.

The next step in this transition process is to disable the ability to create usernames and passwords directly in NCBI. Beginning in June 2021 new accounts must be created with 3rd-party credentials, but don’t worry! We are working hard to make sure you have a variety of sign in options. In the past few months, we’ve added nearly 4000 InCommon sign in options along with Microsoft and Facebook. This is in addition to the options we had previously, like ORCID, eRA Commons, and Login.gov.

If you have questions about this transition or using 3rd-party usernames and passwords for your NCBI account, you can:

March 3 Webinar: Changes are coming to the way you log in to your NCBI account

March 3 Webinar: Changes are coming to the way you log in to your NCBI account

Join us on March 3, 2021 to learn about changes to NCBI account log ins that will affect those of you who sign in directly your NCBI account.  After June 1, 2021 you will need to log in using your institution, social media, Google, Microsoft or login.gov account username and password. In this webinar, you will learn how to register for a free login.gov account and how to link this to an existing NCBI account. You’ll also see where to find the most up-to-date information and FAQs on this topic.

We will answer a few questions from our mail bag on these changes. If you would like to submit a question in advance, please send an Email to  at [email protected] with the subject line “Changes to my NCBI Log In” by February 24th.

    • Date and time: Wed, March 3, 2020 12:00 PM – 12:45 PM EST
    • Register

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information about attending the webinar. A few days after the live presentation, you can view the recording on the NLM YouTube channel. You can learn about future webinars on the Webinars and Courses page.

Important Changes to NCBI Accounts Coming in 2021

Update: Please see our FAQ page for more information and updates.

Do you login to NCBI to use MyNCBI, SciENcv, or MyBibliography? Do you submit data to NCBI? If so, you’ll want to read further to get a first glimpse at some important changes to NCBI accounts that will be coming in 2021.

What’s happening?

In brief, NCBI will be transitioning to federated account credentials. NCBI-managed credentials are the username and password you set at NCBI — these will be going away. Federated account credentials are those set through eRA Commons, Google, or a university or institutional point of access.

Why is this happening?

NIH, NLM, and NCBI take your privacy and security very seriously. As part of our normal reviews we have determined that making this change will increase the security of your accounts to a level that we feel is necessary.

When is this happening?

After June 1, 2021, you will no longer be able to use NCBI-managed credentials to login to NCBI.

Continue reading “Important Changes to NCBI Accounts Coming in 2021”

June 24 webinar: An insider’s guide to creating Federal grant BioSketches

June 24 webinar: An insider’s guide to creating Federal grant BioSketches

Join us on June 24 to learn how to use My Bibliography and SciENcv, My NCBI applications that help you to create biographical sketches for grant applications for the National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Institute of Education Sciences (IES). You will learn how create a profile, add citations and import information from 3rd party accounts like ORCiD

  • Date and time: Wed, June 24, 2020 12:00 PM – 12:45 PM EDT
  • Register

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information about attending the webinar. A few days after the live presentation, you can view the recording on the NCBI YouTube channel. You can learn about future webinars on the Webinars and Courses page.

NCBI on YouTube: new videos on PubMed, My Bibliography, sequence data and more

Here are the latest videos on our YouTube channel. Subscribe to get alerts for new videos.

Introducing the Genome Submission Wizard in Genome Workbench v3.0

Genome Workbench version 3 is a major upgrade, including the addition of the Genome Submission Wizard. This video guides you through the wizard, from uploading your genome data file to completion of the submitter report, which is ready to submit to GenBank using tools such as Submission Portal or BankIt. Note: An on-line tutorial is under “Manuals” on the Genome Workbench home page.


Continue reading “NCBI on YouTube: new videos on PubMed, My Bibliography, sequence data and more”

September 25 Webinar: An insider’s guide to the new My Bibliography

September 25 Webinar: An insider’s guide to the new My Bibliography

On Wednesday, September 25, 2019 at 12 PM, NCBI staff will present a webinar on the new My Bibliography, a central place to save and share your citations. You can add PubMed citations, create them manually, or upload them from citation managers. In this webinar you will learn how to navigate the new interface, receive a few helpful tips to make your experience easier, get a sneak peek of features under development, and learn how you can help us improve My Bibliography by providing feedback.

  • Date and time: Wed, Sep 25, 2019 12:00 PM – 12:45 PM EDT
  • Register

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information about attending the webinar. A few days after the live presentation, you can view the recording on the NCBI YouTube channel. You can learn about future webinars on the Webinars and Courses page.