RefSeq release 212 is now available online, from the FTP site and through NCBI’s Entrez
programming utilities, E-utilities.
This full release incorporates genomic, transcript, and protein data available as of May 2, 2022, and contains 314,915,153 records, including 229,417,182 proteins, 44,805,833 RNAs, and sequences from 119,373 organisms. The release is provided in several directories as a complete dataset and also as divided by logical groupings.
Human genome Annotation Release 110
Annotation Release 110 is the first new annotation of human in four years, including all latest curated RefSeqs, and recalculation of models using over 80M long reads and 9B Illumina RNA-seq reads. AR 110 includes annotation of two human assemblies: Continue reading “RefSeq release 212 is available!” →