The new reference assembly for sheep is now annotated! Assembly ARS-UI_Ramb_v2.0 is made of 142 scaffolds, a drop from 2,640 in the 2017 assembly Oar_rambouillet_v1.0. With a contig N50 of 43 Mb, ARS-UI_Ramb_v2.0 is 15 times more contiguous than the first assembly of the Rambouillet breed.
Annotation Release 104 (AR 104) of ARS-UI_Ramb_v2.0 reflects these improvements. Nearly 200 more coding genes have a 1:1 ortholog in the human genome than in the annotation of Oar_rambouillet_v1.0 (AR 103). The number of coding models annotated as partial is down 35% from 165 to 107, and the number of coding models labeled low quality due to suspected indels or base substitutions in the underlying genomic sequence decreased by 51% (1646 to 796). Based on BUSCO analysis, 99.1% of the models (cetartiodactyla_odb10) are complete in AR 104 versus 98.8% in AR 103. Details of this annotation, including statistics on the annotation products, the input data used in the pipeline and intermediate alignment results, can be found here. Continue reading “Announcing the RefSeq annotation of sheep ARS-UI_Ramb_v2.0!”