Tag: Conferences

NCBI at CSHL Biology of Genomes, May 11 – 14, 2021

NCBI at CSHL Biology of Genomes, May 11 – 14, 2021

NCBI staff will be presenting virtual posters at the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory  Biology of Genomes Meeting, May 11 -14, 2021. The posters will cover the following topics: 1) a cloud-ready suite of tools (PGAP, RAPT , and SKESA) for assembling and annotating prokaryotic genomes,  2) Datasets — a new set of services for downloading genome assemblies and annotations, and 3) updates on NCBI RefSeq eukaryotic genome annotation, and the Genome Data Viewer (GDV). Read more below for the full abstracts.

The virtual poster gallery opens Tuesday, May 11 at 9:00 a.m. with dedicated time for poster viewing and discussion at 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. through Slack each day. The poster gallery will be open for entire the conference and remain available for six weeks afterwards.  Continue reading “NCBI at CSHL Biology of Genomes, May 11 – 14, 2021”

NCBI staff to present 3 posters at Advances in Genome Biology and Technology (AGBT), February 2020

Next week, NCBI staff will attend AGBT in Marco Island, Florida. On Tuesday, February 25, 2020, three posters from NCBI staff will be on display from 4:40 p.m. – 6:10 p.m. during the Poster Session and Wine Reception in the Banyan and Calusa Ballroom Foyers, Levels 1 and 3. Read on to learn a little bit about what we’ll be presenting.

Continue reading “NCBI staff to present 3 posters at Advances in Genome Biology and Technology (AGBT), February 2020”

Presentation on NCBI’s genome browser at Rocky Mountain Genomics Hackcon

Presentation on NCBI’s genome browser at Rocky Mountain Genomics Hackcon

On June 18, 2019, NCBI’s Sanjida Rangwala will demonstrate the rich data visualization capabilities of NCBI’s genome browser at a conference that is part of the Rocky Mountain Genomics Hackcon.  As mentioned in a previous post, NCBI staff will also participate in an NCBI-style Hackathon  as part of the larger event.  The genome browser presentation and demonstration will show you how to create visuals that provide insights and show connections among genes, transcripts, variation,  epigenomics and GWAS data from NCBI sources. You will also see  how you can upload your own data and embed NCBI viewers on your own pages.

NCBI at the ACMG meeting in Seattle  next week (April 2-6, 2019)

NCBI at the ACMG meeting in Seattle next week (April 2-6, 2019)

In about a week, NCBI staff will join GeneReviews® on their home turf, Seattle, at the Annual Clinical Genetics Meeting hosted by the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMG). While there we will have an exhibit booth (#531) where you can meet our staff, get answers to your questions, and pick-up informative handouts on our various resources for clinical practice.

Also, be sure to visit our two posters on Friday, April 5 from 10:30 AM to 12 PM.

Continue reading “NCBI at the ACMG meeting in Seattle next week (April 2-6, 2019)”

Join NCBI at PAG in San Diego, January 12–16, 2019

Next week, NCBI staff will attend the Plant and Animal Genome (PAG) Conference. We have several activities planned, including 1 booth (#223), 4 workshops, 1 talk and 2 posters.

Read on to learn more about what you can look forward to if you’re attending PAG this year. (Note: The listed times are Pacific time.)

Continue reading “Join NCBI at PAG in San Diego, January 12–16, 2019”

Matched Annotation by NCBI and EMBL-EBI (MANE): a new joint venture to define a set of representative transcripts for human protein-coding genes

The RefSeq project at the NCBI and the Ensembl/GENCODE project at EMBL-EBI have provided independent high-quality human reference gene datasets to biologists since the sequencing of the human genome.

Now we’re joining together on an exciting new project we’re calling Matched Annotation from the NCBI and EMBL-EBI or MANE, to provide a matched set of well-supported transcripts for human protein-coding genes and define one representative transcript for each gene. Both RefSeq and Ensembl will continue to provide a rich set of alternate transcripts per gene.

Continue reading “Matched Annotation by NCBI and EMBL-EBI (MANE): a new joint venture to define a set of representative transcripts for human protein-coding genes”

Questions about GTR, ClinVar, or MedGen? Ask us at ASCO 2017!

NCBI will be exhibiting at the ASCO Annual Meeting 2017 from June 2-6.

Exhibit Hall Booth #3046

ASCO attendees can get navigation tips and hands-on help with GTR and ClinVar submissions, take handout materials and meet with Adriana Malheiro, MS* at Booth #3046.

Booth times:

Saturday, June 3 – 9AM–5PM
Sunday, June 4 – 9AM–5PM
Monday, June 5 – 9AM–5PM

*Contact us to schedule a meeting with Adriana Malheiro, MS.

Continue reading “Questions about GTR, ClinVar, or MedGen? Ask us at ASCO 2017!”