Tag: Conferences

NCBI’s First-Ever BioEd Summit Was a Success!

NCBI’s First-Ever BioEd Summit Was a Success!

NCBI hosted its first-ever BioEd Summit: Crafting Student-Centric Curricula with NCBI resources. This week-long, in-person event for science educators across the U.S. was held on the National Institutes of Health (NIH) campus in Bethesda, MD, from August 5-9, 2024. 

Event Details 

During the week, educators participated in morning sessions including interactive workshops on NCBI educational curricular design, the use of various NCBI resources in teaching, and detailed hands-on discussions and practice with NCBI tools. A panel discussion on employing novel, data-driven, active learning exercises in science classes with leaders from several institutions including:   Continue reading “NCBI’s First-Ever BioEd Summit Was a Success!”

NCBI at ACMG 2023

NCBI at ACMG 2023

Join us March 14-18 in Salt Lake City, Utah 

We are excited to celebrate ClinVar’s 10th anniversary and look forward to seeing you in-person at the 2023 ACMG Annual Clinical Genetics Meeting, March 14-18, 2023, in Salt Lake City, Utah. We will participate in a variety of events and activities featuring our clinical and human genetic resources.  

Check out NCBI’s schedule: 

Continue reading “NCBI at ACMG 2023”

ASM Microbe 2022 was a success!

ASM Microbe 2022 was a success!

NCBI had the pleasure of attending and participating in this year’s American Society of Microbiology (ASM) Microbe conference, June 9-13 in Washington, D.C. NCBI staff participated in activities and events throughout the three-day conference. Over 4,500 attendees gathered in the exhibit hall and joined a variety of poster presentations and talks!

Reflections from a few of our NCBI experts

“It was a great honor for me to receive the ASM Elizabeth O. King Lecturer Award. Thank you to my colleagues, without whom so much of my work would not have been possible, and to all of those who attended my presentation on Making Genomics Accessible to Aid Public Health and Research.”

~Michael Feldgarden, Ph.D.  Continue reading “ASM Microbe 2022 was a success!”

NLM announces rescheduled Curation at Scale Workshop

NLM announces rescheduled Curation at Scale Workshop

Data curation plays a critical role in today’s biomedical research and ensures scientific data will be accessible for future research and reuse. In the time of pandemics, the need to get scientific information to researchers, medical personnel, and the public as quickly as possible is greater than ever before. In response to the need for increased curation speed, scale, and reliability, computer automation/assistance is becoming increasingly desirable.

The National Library of Medicine (NLM) is pleased to announce a rescheduled three-day Curation at Scale (Virtual) Workshop, to be held on March 28-30, 2022.

Poster abstract submission, deadline: March 7, 2022
Registration, deadline: March 21, 2022

The NLM workshop will feature invited speakers, bring together biocurators, developers of automated curation methods, and other stakeholders, and will offer an opportunity to learn more about the current status of biomedical data curation, to share your research and your challenges, and to discuss the implementation of advanced computational techniques in scientific data curation. We invite participants from academia, government, publishers, and industry interested in the methods and tools employed in curation of biomedical data to register and attend this exciting workshop. Participants are encouraged to submit an abstract for consideration for poster presentation.



Introducing the NIH Comparative Genomics Resource (CGR)

NCBI is looking forward to seeing you in person at the International Plant and Animal Genome Conference (PAG XXIX), January 8-12, 2022 in San Diego, California. We’re especially excited to introduce our newest endeavor – the NLM initiative known as the NIH Comparative Genomics Resource (CGR)– a platform we are developing to support comparative analyses of sequenced eukaryotic research organisms. Understanding and supporting the needs of researchers is a fundamental element in the development of CGR and is critical to its future success in supporting a large and diverse collection.

Please join NCBI for the following events to learn more about CGR and how you can inform its development:

Continue reading “Join NCBI at PAG XXIX”

Save the Date: NCBI at Plant and Animal Genome (PAGXXIX), Jan 2022

Save the Date: NCBI at Plant and Animal Genome (PAGXXIX), Jan 2022

Come see NCBI in person at the International Plant and Animal Genome (PAG) Conference (PAGXXIX), January 9-12 in San Diego, California. Learn about new ways that we are supporting the data management and analysis needs of scientists working across the tree of life. We’re excited to be back after a year of unprecedented circumstances!

As we described in our NLM Director’s featured blog articles, A Journey to Spur Innovation and Discover and Using Comparative Genomics to Advance Scientific Discoveries, NCBI has recently embarked on the NIH-supported NLM initiative known as the NIH Comparative Genomics Resource (CGR). This initiative will modernize resources and infrastructure in order to promote comparative genomic analyses for all eukaryotic organisms. CGR will connect common data elements for genomic-related content with standard structures and mechanisms that will help you uncover previously unrecognized relationships. It will also provide tools that promote the quality of genomic-related data in sequence archives.

When you are at PAG, please check out our NCBI workshops and other sessions, swing by our booth, and visit our posters to learn more about ongoing CGR-related developments and additional NCBI resources related to your genomic research. We especially invite you to join our CGR Listening Session where you can offer valuable input on how NCBI can best provide a resource to support your analyses.

As PAG nears, stay tuned for more details and upcoming announcements from NCBI!

NCBI Presentations at Biodiversity Genomics 2021 Highlight Growing Support for Comparative Genomics

NCBI Presentations at Biodiversity Genomics 2021 Highlight Growing Support for Comparative Genomics

The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) has several speakers at the upcoming Biodiversity Genomics Conference from September 27 to October 1, 2021.

Valerie Schneider, head of NCBI’s SeqPlus Program and Deputy Director for Sequence Offerings, will present a poster discussing how NCBI’s new comparative genome research focus will enable researchers to explore all eukaryotic research organisms, find related organisms and support additional organism-specific resources that a specific community may have or wish to develop.

Nuala O’Leary, Product Owner, NCBI Datasets will present the latest developments for Datasets, a beta resource that supports intuitive and flexible access to genome data for a broad range of taxa via a redesigned website and command-line tools.

Adelaide Rhodes, Cloud Subject Matter Expert in Education, will present two case studies that emphasize the ease of navigating the new Datasets website as well as the use of command line tools to speed up data discovery for genes and genomes of interest.

Terence Murphy, Product Owner, NCBI RefSeq will present a new tool for genome providers to identify contamination in newly assembled sequences with high sensitivity, specificity, and performance.

The Biodiversity Genomics Conference brings together a global audience to celebrate achievements in genome sequencing across the eukaryotic tree of life, explore current challenges and solutions, and to develop strategies for sequencing and data sharing in the upcoming decade of biodiversity genomics. NCBI has several programs that support the needs of this scientific research group.

NCBI events at the Bioinformatics Open Science Conference 2021 (BOSC 2021)

NCBI events at the Bioinformatics Open Science Conference 2021 (BOSC 2021)

Come visit us virtually to learn about new NCBI data access, tools and best practices at the Bioinformatics Open Science Conference  part of the ISMB/ECCB online conference from July 29 – 30, 2021. We will be presenting virtual posters on NCBI resources, offering a Birds of a Feather discussion, and participating in the BOSC  (CoFest) following the conference where you can take part in a hands-on evaluation of ElasticBLAST.

NCBI Posters, July 29, 2021, 11:20 – 12:20 PM EDT

All posters will be presented on Thursday afternoon. You can see complete abstracts on the ISMB/ECCB BOSC schedule.

Nuala O’Leary will talk about NCBI Datasets, a new resource for fast, easy access to NCBI sequence data.  You will learn about the new interface and new tools to access reference genomes, genes, and orthologs using web-based and programmatic tools.

Adelaide Rhodes will present Open access NCBI cloud resources to accelerate scientific insights where you can learn about recent developments in transferring > 20 petabytes of NCBI Sequence Read Archive (SRA) data to the cloud.

Deacon Sweeney will describe the web RAPT service for assembling and annotating bacterial genomes at the click of a button in RAPT, The Read assembly and Annotation Pipeline Tool: building a prokaryotic genome annotation package for users of all backgrounds.

Roberto Vera Alvarez will talk about best practices for using cloud tools for transcriptomics in his poster Transcriptome annotation in the cloud: complexity, best practices, and cost.

Greg Boratyn will discuss improvements to the BLAST-based short read aligner, Magic-Blast, in Recent improvements in Magic-BLAST 1.6.

Visit Christiam Camacho’s poster ElasticBLAST: Using the power of the cloud to speed up science to get an introduction to  ElasticBLAST, a Kubernetes-based approach for high throughput BLAST tasks. Join us following the conference in the CoFest to try out ElasticBLAST yourself and provide input. See the section on the CoFest below and our companion post.

Birds of a Feather, July 29, 2021, 11:20 – 12:20 PM EDT

We will host a Birds of Feather public feedback session on Thursday, where you can provide feedback and participate in discussions on all aspects of NCBI’s new data access options: NCBI Datasets, SRA, BLAST, and the Genome Data Viewer (GDV) — our genome browser for sequence visualization. We welcome your input!  Come and see us!

CollaborationFest (CoFest), July 31 – August 1, 2021

The ElasticBlast team will attend the BOSC CoFest following the conference. Sign up to participate on July 31 and August 1 to get an in-depth orientation and opportunity to test the capabilities of ElasticBlast on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud. You do not have to register for the conference to attend the CoFest. See our post on the CoFest for more information.


Try out ElasticBLAST at the BOSC2021 CoFest!

Try out ElasticBLAST at the BOSC2021 CoFest!

Join the BLAST team at the virtual CollaborationFest (July 31 -August 1, 2021) after the BOSC 2021 conference to help test and improve ElasticBLAST, a new cloud-based tool designed to speed up high throughput BLAST searches. We would love to have your help with real world testing of our alpha release of ElasticBLAST with you own workflows and data. You may sign up for the CoFest even if you aren’t registered for BOSC 2021.

Here are suggestions for how you can participate. See the FAQs below for additional information.

  1. Try it out and let us know how well it works. You can be blunt.
  2. Help us improve the documentation.
  3. Write a script to make ElasticBLAST part of your workflow.
  4. Try to process ElasticBLAST results with cloud-native tools. Here is an example.
  5. Bring your own high throughput BLAST search problem to use with ElasticBLAST!  Please discuss it with us first to make sure you don’t blow our budget and get the ElasticBLAST team in trouble!

Continue reading “Try out ElasticBLAST at the BOSC2021 CoFest!”

NCBI to present on SRA and cloud computing at the 2021 Galaxy Community Conference

NCBI to present on SRA and cloud computing at the 2021 Galaxy Community Conference


We’re bringing exciting developments to our user community at the 2021 Galaxy Community Conference (GCC 2021), which is virtual this year!

Dr. Jon Trow, SRA Subject Matter Expert
Dr. Adelaide Rhodes, Cloud Subject Matter Expert











We start with hosting NCBI’s first ever GCC training week tutorial co-written by Jon Trow, Ph.D. – Sequence Read Archive (SRA): Subject Matter Expert and Adelaide Rhodes, Ph.D. – Cloud: Subject Matter Expert. This tutorial will become a permanent addition to the Galaxy Training Network. The tutorial, “SRA Aligned Read Format (SARF) to Speed Up SARS-CoV-2 Data Analysis”, has detailed instructions and a video demonstration on how to search SRA metadata for SARFs and download them into Galaxy workflows. We will be available via Slack during Office Hours for live virtual interactions.

Continue reading “NCBI to present on SRA and cloud computing at the 2021 Galaxy Community Conference”