Tag: Constraint-based Multiple Alignment Tool (COBALT)

Download high-quality graphics from the NCBI Multiple Sequence Alignment Viewer (MSAV)

You can now download a publication-quality graphic images of  the alignment displayed in the NCBI Multiple Sequence Alignment Viewer (Figure 1). Load sequence alignments into the viewer from BLAST or COBALT results or upload alignment files directly. Once you have the the alignment set in the viewer, choose the “Printer-friendly PDF/SVG” option in the Download menu on the toolbar to save the image. The PDF and SVG files contain vector graphics suitable for presentation and publication. MSA_downloadFigure 1. The image download options in the MSAV. You can adjust the desired coordinate range and choose to download a PDF or SVG image. You can also preview the PDF download . Choose simplified color shading to improve compatibility with some graphics programs.

The downloaded image will show the coordinate range you requested and will include all the rows in the alignment.

Please contact us through the Feedback link on the MSA Viewer or write to the NCBI Help Desk to provide feedback and let us know how we can make the NCBI Multiple Sequence Viewer work better for you.