New tutorials, queries, and discovery guides now available
NLM’s NCBI Bookshelf provides free access to more than 13,000 peer-reviewed books and documents in life science and health care using over a dozen formats including monographs, reviews, reference works, government publications, standards and guidelines, technical reports, and textbooks. In acknowledgement of Open Access Week, we are excited to introduce new learning tools to better access and discover subject- and format-based collections within Bookshelf.
Bookshelf strives to advance open and equitable science and scholarship. To achieve this goal, Bookshelf collaborates with over 150 content providers, more than half of which are nontraditional publishers like government agencies and non-governmental organizations, to make their content publicly accessible. This diverse body of content is organized into user-relevant subcollections, such as “health disparities,” to better facilitate access and discovery. Over half of this content is also available for programmatic reuse through Bookshelf’s Open Access Subset. Continue reading “Explore NLM’s NCBI Bookshelf With New Learning Tools at Your Fingertips”