This blog post is directed toward medical or science librarians in the United States who offer bioinformatics education and support services or are planning to offer such services in the future.
The NCBI, in partnership with the National Library of Medicine Training Center (NTC), will once again offer the Librarian’s Guide to NCBI course on the NIH campus, March 7-11, 2016 (Announcement). This will be the fourth presentation of the course, and there are now 69 graduates of the training program.
These graduates represent 61 libraries, hospitals and government agencies from 27 states and the District of Columbia. Librarian’s Guide graduates now form a core community of NCBI-trained bioinformatics support specialists who maintain collaboration and mutual support through an online forum and monthly NCBI “Office hours” videoconference discussion sessions with course faculty and students. Materials from the 2013, 2014 and 2015 courses are available now, as well as lecture videos for the expression module.

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