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New! Introducing the Multiple Comparative Genome Viewer (MCGV) Beta Release

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NLM’s NCBI is excited to introduce the Multiple Comparative Genome Viewer (MCGV), a new tool in active development that allows you to visualize an alignment of multiple eukaryotic genomes. While our existing Comparative Genome Viewer (CGV) allows you to compare pairs of eukaryotic assemblies, the new MCGV tool can help you analyze multiple assemblies in a single view.  

MCGV displays are based on multiple whole genome sequence alignments. You can navigate these alignments in the viewer to track evolutionarily related regions across strains or species. Focus in on a particular genome region to investigate how differences in genome structure may have contributed to differences in gene sequence and function. You can access MCGV by clicking on the “Visualize gene across species” link via the gene search results page.  

Learn more

Learn more about MCGV from the figures below.  

Figure 1. MCGV chromosome overview displaying the number of assemblies aligned at each location along a chromosome of the anchor assembly (e.g. human GRCh38). Select a region to zoom in the viewer and investigate further.  

Figure 2: MCGV alignment view showing alignments for different genome assembles. Blue segments represent alignment blocks. Darker shades of blue signify more similarity to an anchor assembly, e.g. human GRCh38. The RefSeq gene annotation is also shown for the anchor assembly (green bars).   

Figure 3: MCGV sequence conservation panel. This graph reports the proportion of aligned sequences containing perfect matches (dark blue) or mismatches or gaps (light blue) at each position in a gene region. 

We want to hear from you!

Try it out and let us know what you think. We will be adding new functionality to MCGV in the coming months, such as expanded gene annotation and view customization options. We would like to know what improvements would be most helpful to your research. Please reach out to us using the yellow feedback button on the bottom of the webpage with your questions or feedback. Also, please contact us if there are other publicly available multiple whole genome sequence alignment datasets you’d like to see in MCGV.  

Stay up to date

MCGV is part of the NIH Comparative Genomics Resource (CGR). CGR facilitates reliable comparative genomics analyses for all eukaryotic organisms through an NCBI Toolkit and community collaboration.  

Join our mailing list to keep up to date with MCGV and other CGR news.  

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