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Top of 2024: A Look at the NCBI Insights Blog 

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As we begin a new year, let’s look back at the top NCBI Insights Blog posts of 2024 based on number of views.  

In case you missed any of these, check them out: 

Preview Upcoming Improvements to PubMed Central (PMC) 

Since announcing the launch of a more modern PMC website in March 2022, NLM’s NCBI continues to make improvements based on your feedback. These improvements will become the default in October 2024 and include an updated article display, enhanced PMC journal list, and other features to help you access information quickly and easily. 

Get Faster, More Focused Search Results with NCBI’s New BLAST Core Nucleotide Database (core_nt) 
NCBI has been re-evaluating the BLAST nucleotide database (nt) to make it more compact and efficient. Thanks to your feedback, NCBI's BLAST is excited to introduce the core nucleotide database (core_nt), an alternative to the default nt database that contains better-defined content and is less than half the size.  

Upcoming Changes to NCBI Taxonomy Classifications 

NCBI is continually making improvements to our Taxonomy resource in response to new data and changes in biological nomenclature and classification. Thus, we will update the higher-level classification of birds (Aves), budding yeasts (Saccharomycotina), prokaryotes (Bacteria and Archaea) and Viruses. 

HomoloGene Now Redirects to NCBI Datasets Gene 

HomoloGene now automatically redirects to the NCBI Datasets Gene page giving you easy access to up-to-date sequence and homology data. The NCBI Datasets Gene Table provides a link to NCBI Orthologs with expanded gene and protein information and links to tools. NCBI Orthologs includes more genes and sequences for a growing range of taxa.

A Modern Website  

We appreciate all the feedback received since the launch of the modernized website in June 2023, and we’ve incorporated many of your suggestions. The classic website and its application programming interface (API) are retired and no longer available. 

Open Access! Million Veteran Program (MVP) Genome-Wide PheWAS Results Now Available in dbGaP! 

The MVP is a research program from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) that has collected and analyzed health information from over one million veteran volunteers. The results of the MVP phenome-wide association study (PheWAS) analysis are now available in our database of Genotypes and Phenotypes (dbGaP). 

Learn more

The NCBI Insights Blog is intended to help you better understand NCBI and our resources, explore issues of scientific interest that drive our resource development, and demonstrate how you can use our resources to help enhance your research. 

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