Quick & Easy Access to Mpox Data Through NCBI Virus

Quick & Easy Access to Mpox Data Through NCBI Virus

The World Health Organization (WHO) declared the recent upsurge of the mpox virus to be a public health emergency of international concern. Having timely viral genome data freely and widely available enables researchers to explore how this virus differs from viruses isolated and sequenced in the past. Therefore, NCBI’s GenBank is expediting the release of mpox data by annotating gene and coding region features as part of the submission process. 

You can access mpox sequences shortly after public release through NCBI Virus. Apply several filters to narrow down sequence records by collection date, release date, or the geographic region of origin and more. You can then quickly download FASTA sequences with customizable description lines or download the metadata table which includes accessions, submitter names, affiliated institutions, and the country of the institutions useful for citing the data sources.  

Use NCBI Datasets command-line (CLI) tool for programmatic access to mpox data. Download and install client. See our how-to guide to get started.

Submit your data 

Have you sequenced mpox virus isolates? Consider submitting your data to NCBI. Please submit raw sequence reads to Sequence Read Archive (SRA) and assembled mpox sequences to GenBank. Check out our step-by step instructions to get started. Gene/protein annotation is not necessary for mpox sequence submission since it will be added by the GenBank team using VADR, which was updated for mpox. 

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