We are happy to announce the release of a new version of the stand-alone Prokaryotic Genome Annotation Pipeline (PGAP).
What’s new?
- Updated software
- hmmer v.3.4
- infernal 1.1.5
- Updated support
- Support for Apple Silicon using Docker Desktop / Rosetta
- Revised ANI results
- Revised report generation for Average Nucleotide Identity (ANI) Taxonomy checks, including significant overhaul of how ANI contamination is computed and reported. See the README on the FTP site for additional details.
- Ongoing improved protein family model data used for annotation
- PGAP assigns function to predicted proteins based on hits to Protein Family Models, such as protein profile HMMs, BLAST hits, and domain architectures.
As with every previous release, this release comes with incremental improvements by expert curators of the Protein Family Model collection that drives the precision of PGAP’s structural and functional annotation.
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