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Submit Your Somatic Variation Data to ClinVar

Keyboard in the background with a person's finger pressing a blue submit button. Text says: ClinVar, Submit your somatic variation data.

NCBI’s ClinVar is now accepting submissions for somatic variants classified for cancer. As recently announced, we updated the ClinVar website as part of our effort to better support the display of submitted somatic variation data 

Access to somatic variation data is essential for understanding tumor biology and will help researchers advance cancer treatment. It also helps clinical cancer testing laboratories provide better patient reports. Make ClinVar as useful for somatic variants as it is for germline by contributing your data! To submit your data, use our new somatic spreadsheet template (SubmissionTemplateSomatic.xlsx) and follow these step-by-step instructions. Once your submission is prepared, you can go to the ClinVar Submission Portal to upload and send your file. See an example below.  

Example of somatic submissions for a B-Raf proto oncogene variant from colorectal cancer and melanoma tumors.

Variants may be classified for clinical impact as in the AMP/ASCO/CAP guidelines and for oncogenicity as in the ClinGen/CGC/VICC recommendation.  

Important Note: Both the Submission API and the Single Submission Wizard will also be updated soon to support somatic variants. 

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