Introducing the New NCBI Datasets Genome Annotation Table

Introducing the New NCBI Datasets Genome Annotation Table

As part of our ongoing effort to modernize and improve your experience, we are excited to introduce the new NCBI Datasets genome annotation table. You can now quickly and easily access annotated gene and protein sequences annotated by NCBI RefSeq or GenBank submitters.  

Features & Benefits
  • Easier than ever to search and download data for annotated genes  
  • Download gene, transcript and protein sequences, and metadata 
  • Annotation tables are available for ~7500 eukaryotic and ~1.5M prokaryotic annotated genomes   
  • Annotation data is now available for both RefSeq and GenBank submitted annotations 
  • Filter by gene type, gene name, and chromosome or location on the genome 

Eukaryotic example 

Dioscorea alata (greater yam) GCA_020875875.1 

  • Use the location filter to view genes on chromosome 2. 

Compilation of screen shots from NCBI Datasets to show examples of the Genome Assembly and Gene pages

Accessing the genome annotation table:

  1. From the genome assembly page for Dioscorea alata (greater yam) GCA_020875875.1, click on the “View annotated genes” link to go to the annotation table
  2. Use the search, location and gene type filters together to find glutathione transferase proteins
  3. Select your desired genes from the table and download a data package containing gene and protein sequences
We have prokaryotic annotated genomes, too! 

Example: Shewanella xiamenensisGCF_030012545.1 

  • Use the gene type and search filters together to identify genes that encode for transporter proteins. 
Stay up to date

NCBI Datasets is a part of the NIH Comparative Genomics Resource (CGR). CGR facilitates reliable comparative genomics analyses for all eukaryotic organisms through an NCBI Toolkit and community collaboration.     

Follow us on social @NCBI and join our mailing list to keep up to date with NCBI Datasets and other CGR news.      


If you have questions or would like to provide feedback, please write to our help desk.   


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