Genbank release 256.0 (6/21/2023) is now available on the NCBI FTP site. This release has 24.45 trillion bases and 3.66 billion records.
The current release has:
- 243,560,863 traditional records containing 1,966,479,976,146 base pairs of sequence data
- 2,611,654,455 WGS records containing 21,791,125,594,114 base pairs of sequence data
- 683,922,756 bulk-oriented TSA records containing 643,127,590,034 base pairs of sequence data
- 122,798,571 bulk-oriented TLS records containing 47,302,831,210 base pairs of sequence data
Growth between releases
During the 63 days between the close dates for GenBank Releases 255.0 and 256.0, the traditional portion of GenBank grew by 139,733,657,333 base pairs and by 1,005,927 sequence records. We updated 107,417 records during that same period. We added and/or updated an average of 17,672 traditional records per day!
Between releases 255.0 and 256.0, the WGS component of GenBank grew by 864,620,833,893 base pairs and by 171,183,991 sequence records. The TSA component of GenBank grew by 6,836,231,807 base pairs and by 5,590,074 sequence records. The TLS component of GenBank grew by 734,906,377 base pairs and by 1,611,899 sequence records.
The total number of sequence data files increased by 431 with this release. The divisions are as follows:
- BCT: 38 new files, now a total of 975
- CON: 1 new file, now a total of 236
- ENV: 1 new file, now a total of 78
- INV: 184 new files, now a total of 1565
- MAM: 68 new files, now a total of 234
- PAT: 2 new files, now a total of 254
- PLN: 58 new files, now a total of 1172
- PRI: 1 new file, now a total 58
- ROD: 7 new files, now a total of 307
- VRL: 29 new files, now a total of 915
- VRT: 42 new files, now a total of 399
Additional information
For downloading purposes, please keep in mind that the uncompressed GenBank release 256.0 sequence data flat files require roughly 3,375 GB. The ASN.1 data files require approximately 1,612 GB.
For more information about GenBank release 256.0, see the release notes, as well as the README files in the GenBank and ASN.1 (ncbi-asn1) directories on FTP.
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