Updated Design! NCBI Datasets Homepage

Updated Design! NCBI Datasets Homepage

The updated NCBI Datasets homepage has a fresh new look and feel, making it easier for you to use. Now more prominent at the top of the page, you can enter and select the scientific or common name of the species you’re interested in and go directly to the NCBI Datasets Taxonomy page for that species. 

We added a “How to use NCBI Datasets” section, providing you an overview of what’s available in NCBI Datasets. You can see example species with links to NCBI Datasets pages relevant to that species. For example, for Ursos arctos (brown bear), we include links to the Taxonomy page, the genome table showing all available genomes, the reference genome page for UrsArc1.0, as well as connections to BLAST and the Ursos arctos gene table. 

You can still use the tab bar at the top of the homepage to easily navigate to our genome and gene tables or check out our documentation. 

Coming Soon! 

As a reminder, in July 2023, NCBI’s Assembly and Genome record pages will be redirected to new NCBI Datasets pages as part of our ongoing effort to modernize and improve your user experience. See our previous post for more information.   

Stay up to date 

NCBI Datasets is a part of the NIH Comparative Genomics Resource (CGR). CGR facilitates reliable comparative genomics analyses for all eukaryotic organisms through an NCBI Toolkit and community collaboration.   

Follow us on Twitter @NCBI and join our mailing list to keep up to date with NCBI Datasets and other CGR news.    

We want to hear from you! 

Try it out and let us know what you think. We encourage you to submit feedback using our yellow feedback button in the lower right corner, or alternatively, request a new feature by opening an issue in GitHub. 


If you have questions or would like to provide feedback, please reach out to us at [email protected].   

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