Search, Download, and Visualize Human RNA-Seq Gene Expression Data in NCBI’s Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO)

Search, Download, and Visualize Human RNA-Seq Gene Expression Data in NCBI’s Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO)

Are you interested in accessing consistently computed gene expression count matrices across thousands of experimental studies for half a million samples? Now you can! We are pleased to announce the availability of gene expression count matrices generated from all the human RNA-seq studies in GEO.  


You can find studies with RNA-seq counts by searching GEO Datasets with “rnaseq counts”[Filter] 


You can quickly download both raw and normalized RNA-seq count matrices by clicking the ‘Download Data’ link. You can use these files with common differential gene expression analysis and visualization tools for further examination.  


We have integrated the RNA-seq count matrix with the GEO2R tool, allowing you to compare gene expression in two or more groups of samples on the GEO web site. GEO2R presents the results in a table of genes ordered by P-values. You can explore the data in an interactive graphical plot (Figure 1) that lets you identify differentially expressed genes and assess data set quality. 

Figure 1: Screenshot of GEO2R differential gene expression analysis results, including Volcano, Mean difference, Mean variance, UMAP, Venn, Boxplot, and Histogram plots.  

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We want to hear from you! Try it out and let us know what you think. We are making ongoing improvements based on your feedback. If you have questions or would like to provide feedback, please reach out to us at [email protected].   

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