New annotations in RefSeq!

New annotations in RefSeq!

In February and March, the NCBI Eukaryotic Genome Annotation Pipeline released forty-two new annotations in RefSeq for the organisms listed below. Additionally, interim builds for over sixty species were run during that time period to fix some issues with gene symbol assignment.

View the full list of annotated eukaryotes available in the GDV genome browser. You can download genome sequence and metadata using the NCBI Datasets command line tool.

Stay up to date

RefSeq supports the NIH Comparative Genomics Resource (CGR), an NLM project to establish an ecosystem to facilitate reliable comparative genomics analyses for all eukaryotic organisms.

CGR is also making it easier to navigate between data and tools. To see this list and find out what’s in the RefSeq annotation pipeline, check out the new table in NCBI Datasets with info on the latest eukaryotic RefSeq annotations.

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