Growth between releases
During the 61 days between the close dates for GenBank Releases 253.0 and 254.0, the traditional portion of GenBank grew by 95,708,109,925 base pairs and by 814,890 sequence records. We updated 53,243 records during that same period. We added and/or updated an average of 14,231 traditional records per day!
Between releases 253.0 and 254.0, the WGS component of GenBank grew by 1,030,045,559,694 base pairs and by 96,399,112 sequence records. The TSA component of GenBank grew by 18,764,663,538 base pairs and by 22,343,138 sequence records. The TLS component of GenBank grew by 2,455,851,093 base pairs and by 5,515,267 sequence records.
The total number of sequence data files increased by 287 with this release. The divisions are as follows:
- BCT: 24 new files, now a total of 907
- CON: 4 new files, now a total of 235
- EST: 1 new file, now a total of 578
- INV: 146 new files, now a total of 1244
- PLN: 63 new files, now a total of 1100
- ROD: 16 new files, now a total of 239
- VRL: 28 new files, now a total of 864
- VRT: 5 new files, now a total of 337
Additional Information
For the ASN.1 GenBank release files, the total number of files decreased substantially from 2,771 to 1,199. This is because the maximum size of an ASN.1 file was increased to as much as 700MB (compressed), due to a change in how we process the ASN.1 version of release data.
For downloading purposes, please keep in mind that the uncompressed GenBank release 254.0 sequence data flat files require roughly 3,052 GB. The ASN.1 data files require approximately 1,509 GB.
For more information about GenBank release 254.0, see the release notes, as well as the README files in the GenBank and ASN.1 (ncbi-asn1) directories on FTP.