NLM’s NCBI Datasets announces the release of version 14 of our command-line (CLI) tools, datasets, and dataformat. This release (CLI v14.0.0) contains many improvements that are inspired by your feedback. It’s now easier than ever to browse and format metadata, generate customized tables, and download data packages. We hope these updates will improve your experience!
NCBI Datasets CLIv14 includes changes to the command syntax, data package contents, and data report schemas that are not backwards-compatible. Commands written for CLI versions prior to version 14 may fail after the latest update. For more details see our FAQs.
Improvements in CLI v14.0.0
- Easier access to metadata – all metadata can now be printed to the screen, redirected to a file, or piped to dataformat to generate a customized table
- Easier access to custom data packages - data files are now selected using the –include flag (the –exclude flag is not backwards compatible)
- Expanded access to all genomes in NCBI Virus
- Better interoperability with downstream tools – genome assembly sequence delivered as a single file
Learn more on our documentation pages.
Can I still use previous versions?
Datasets CLI versions 13 and below will continue to function after version 14 is released and are available for download through Conda and GitHub.
How can I find out more about future releases?
Datasets release notes are now available through our GitHub page.
If you have questions or would like to provide feedback, feel free to reach out to us or use the Feedback button on any Datasets page.
NCBI Datasets supports the NIH Comparative Genomics Resource (CGR), an NLM project to establish an ecosystem to facilitate reliable comparative genomics analyses for all eukaryotic organisms. Join our mailing list to keep up to date with NCBI Datasets and other CGR news.