NCBI ALFA Project at Bio-IT World 2022 Hackathon

NCBI ALFA Project at Bio-IT World 2022 Hackathon

Announcing the Allele Frequency Aggregator (ALFA) Project as part of the Bio-IT World 2022 Hackathon: Visualization of NCBI ALFA Variants

Join NCBI at the Bio-IT World 2022 Hackathon on May 4-5, 2022 to learn about and work with data from our ALFA project! The primary goal of this hackathon project is to develop a novel tool, app, or approach to explore and visualize NCBI ALFA variants and allele frequency for 12 different human populations. We aspire to create a new helpful variant interpretation resource for the clinical and research communities.

We hope to see you there! More information and registration here

About ALFA

NCBI ALFA provides genetic variation and allele frequency based on data from more than one million subjects in the Database of Genotypes and Phenotypes (dbGaP). ALFA is a large population genomic variant dataset for exploring and studying genetic variations within human populations and identifying genetic factors that influence health and diseases to improve diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. ALFA’s latest release has over 900 million variants with allele frequency from 200 thousand subjects representing 12 populations across the world!

We look forward to working with you at the Bio-IT World Hackathon, where you can learn more about ALFA and other NCBI human variation resources including dbSNP, dbVar, and ClinVar.

Check out our video about ALFA:

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