Save the Date: NCBI at Plant and Animal Genome (PAGXXIX), Jan 2022

Save the Date: NCBI at Plant and Animal Genome (PAGXXIX), Jan 2022

Come see NCBI in person at the International Plant and Animal Genome (PAG) Conference (PAGXXIX), January 9-12 in San Diego, California. Learn about new ways that we are supporting the data management and analysis needs of scientists working across the tree of life. We’re excited to be back after a year of unprecedented circumstances!

As we described in our NLM Director’s featured blog articles, A Journey to Spur Innovation and Discover and Using Comparative Genomics to Advance Scientific Discoveries, NCBI has recently embarked on the NIH-supported NLM initiative known as the NIH Comparative Genomics Resource (CGR). This initiative will modernize resources and infrastructure in order to promote comparative genomic analyses for all eukaryotic organisms. CGR will connect common data elements for genomic-related content with standard structures and mechanisms that will help you uncover previously unrecognized relationships. It will also provide tools that promote the quality of genomic-related data in sequence archives.

When you are at PAG, please check out our NCBI workshops and other sessions, swing by our booth, and visit our posters to learn more about ongoing CGR-related developments and additional NCBI resources related to your genomic research. We especially invite you to join our CGR Listening Session where you can offer valuable input on how NCBI can best provide a resource to support your analyses.

As PAG nears, stay tuned for more details and upcoming announcements from NCBI!

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