Missed a few videos on YouTube? Here’s the latest from our channel.
Customize the MSA Viewer to Make Your Analysis Easier
We’re constantly improving the Multiple Sequence Alignment (MSA) Viewer. This video demonstrates several new and popular features, including the ability to change data columns, hide selected rows, analyze polymorphisms, and more.
An Update to SciENcv, the Science Experts Network Curriculum Vitae
This video adds information about changes made to the NIH Biosketch format for submissions beginning on or after May 25, 2021.
NCBI Minute: Finding Data for Your Research Organism: Plants and RNA-Seq Data
In this webinar, we use the black cottonwood as an example to show you know to get data for a specific plant species. You’ll see how to find data in Datasets, as well as sample metadata and gene expression RNA-Seq data from SRA and the SRA Run Selector. Finally, you will also see an example that highlights how to use these data in a typical workflow set up in a Jupyter notebook.
NCBI Minute: Using NCBI Datasets Command-line Tools to Access Data and Metadata for Genomes
In this webinar, you’ll learn to use the datasets command-line tools (datasets and dataformat) to access, filter, download, and format data and metadata for genomes. Through examples from eukaryotes and the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, we’ll show you how to use metadata to filter for genome sequences with desired properties such as genomes with high contig N50 values.
NCBI Minute: Introducing the Updated PubMed E-Utilities (API)
As previously announced, NCBI will launch an updated version of the E-Utilities API for PubMed on April 4, 2022. With a few exceptions, this change won’t affect the E-Utility URLs you currently use. It will bring the search results up to date with the web version of PubMed released in 2020 and improve reliability.
Could you possibly provide more explanatory videos on MSA Viewer (Multiple Sequence Alignment)?