NCBI to present on SRA and cloud computing at the 2021 Galaxy Community Conference

NCBI to present on SRA and cloud computing at the 2021 Galaxy Community Conference


We’re bringing exciting developments to our user community at the 2021 Galaxy Community Conference (GCC 2021), which is virtual this year!

Dr. Jon Trow, SRA Subject Matter Expert
Dr. Adelaide Rhodes, Cloud Subject Matter Expert











We start with hosting NCBI’s first ever GCC training week tutorial co-written by Jon Trow, Ph.D. – Sequence Read Archive (SRA): Subject Matter Expert and Adelaide Rhodes, Ph.D. – Cloud: Subject Matter Expert. This tutorial will become a permanent addition to the Galaxy Training Network. The tutorial, “SRA Aligned Read Format (SARF) to Speed Up SARS-CoV-2 Data Analysis”, has detailed instructions and a video demonstration on how to search SRA metadata for SARFs and download them into Galaxy workflows. We will be available via Slack during Office Hours for live virtual interactions.

During the conference, we will be presenting new ways of connecting to NCBI Datasets and SRA for rapid access to all the sequence data directly within Galaxy.

Dr. Nuala O’Leary, NCBI Datasets Lead
Adam Stine, M.S., SRA Subject Matter Expert

Nuala O’Leary, Ph.D., Lead: NCBI Datasets and Adam Stine, M.S. – SRA: Subject Matter Expert, will be presenting “Easy access to NCBI data within Galaxy” as a lightning talk and a virtual poster. We will highlight the latest improvements to accessing genome assemblies and annotation via NCBI Datasets, connecting to SRA data for organisms across the tree of life and integrating this data into your Galaxy workflow.

Finally, we are also hosting a Birds of Feather public feedback session at 11AM EST on July 7, 2021, to continue the conversation on NCBI Datasets, SRA, BLAST and Genome Data Viewer (GDV)- genome browser for sequence visualization. We welcome you to a discussion on all aspects of working with the new data access options. Come see us!

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