Automate your workflow with the ClinVar Submission API

ClinVar and our scientific and patient-care community rely on your submissions. With our new Application Programming Interface (API) for submissions, we’ve made it even easier for you to provide us with your most up-to-date classification of variants. The new RESTful API allows you to automate your submission workflow so that you can submit new records and update existing records faster. Setting up your account to use the API requires three one-time activities:

ClinVar Submission API Setup







Click on each of the steps in order to set up your account to use the API!

The API submission package is designed with the most frequently submitted variant data in mind, which can be provided without additional communication with NCBI. Submission is accomplished by uploading JSON data. System-level errors and basic schema-level validation are returned immediately; once there are no system errors, the data are validated and loaded to the database. If there are any validation errors, we make the error messages available to you through a status request. After your API submission is successfully processed by ClinVar, we return the ClinVar accession numbers to you and the records are published within a week. Also, we always provide a status so that you know if your attempt was successful. It’s that easy!

Today, ClinVar offers 1,000,000+ variants and 1,500,000+ submitted records from 1,900+ submitters in 82 countries.  If you already share your data through ClinVar, then this provides a new option for you to engage with us.  If you do not share data through ClinVar yet, this is an easy pathway to become a valued member of the ClinVar community.

Detailed specifications for this API can be found in the documentation. If you have any questions or feedback, please write to us at [email protected].

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