Do you need an easy way to analyze a bacterium you just isolated? The latest version of NCBI’s Read assembly and Annotation Pipeline Tool (RAPT) is a pilot web service for the assembly and gene annotation of public or private Illumina genomic reads sequenced from bacterial or archaeal isolates.
We’ll be giving a webinar on webRAPT on May 19 where you can learn more, but you can test it out now.
Get started with the click of a button
RAPT is simple to use.
1. If you’re working with NIH’s Sequence Read Archive (SRA) and have an SRA accession, enter it in the first box below (Figure 1a) or upload a file of sequencing reads in the second box (Figure 1b).
2. You’ll get an email when you can download the assembly and its gene annotation.
3. Download and review the results. They include a fasta for the assembly, the Average Nucleotide Identify (ANI) results and the annotation in GenBank and fasta format. Our help documentation has more information on RAPT and the outputs it produces.
New to RAPT?
RAPT is made of two major components: the genome assembler SKESA and the Prokaryotic Genome Annotation Pipeline (PGAP). It produces an annotated genome of quality comparable to RefSeq in a couple of hours. RAPT will also verify that the organism name assigned to the reads is correct using the ANI tool (Figure 2).
Watch this short video to learn more.
Run RAPT yourself
Do you prefer to run RAPT on your own local machine or on the cloud? Read our recent blog post and visit our GitHub site to get started.
We would love to hear about your experience using RAPT – web version or command line. Please give us your feedback at You can also email us there if you need more help.