The Conserved Domain Database (CDD) version 3.19 is now available. This version contains 3,148 new or updated NCBI-curated domains and now mirrors Pfam version 33.1 as well as models from the NCBIfam collection. We also included fine-grained classifications of the immunoglobulin, RRM, cytochrome P450, 7-transmembrane GPCRs, KH, calponin homology and C1 domain superfamilies.
With this CDD release, we introduce model-specific word-score thresholds for the RPS-BLAST heuristics. These are included in the position-specific score matrices (PSSMs) and are used by database formatting software when constructing word lookup tables for the BLAST heuristics stage. The current implementation results in a 3-fold speedup of RPS-BLAST searches and misses annotation for about 0.6% of query proteins, mostly at the borderline of significance.
You can access CDD here and find updated content on the CDD FTP site. Click on the database statistics at the right to retrieve the subset of records from any source database.