It’s time we do another roundup of what’s been happening on YouTube!
First up, the NCBI YouTube channel has merged with the NLM YouTube channel. You’ll now be able to find diverse content all on one channel, from tips on using resources to fascinating moments in the history of medicine and more!
Use RAPT, the Read Assembly and Annotation Pipeline Tool, to Assemble and Annotate Microbial Genomes
This webinar shows you how to use the beta version of the Read Assembly and Annotation Pipeline Tool (RAPT) on your own machine or on the Google Cloud Platform. With RAPT, you can assemble and annotate a microbial genome right out of the sequencing machine!
Using BLAST+ in Docker and on the Cloud
Containerized BLAST+ in Docker is ready to use locally and in the cloud. Learn about the advantages of containerized BLAST and how to use it to perform.
Easy Access to SARS-CoV-2 Genomes and Proteins Through NCBI Datasets
This tutorial describes how to retrieve Coronavirus genome data using NCBI’s Datasets web interface, which lets you easily gather data from across NCBI databases.