GenBank submitters, you can now submit mitochondrial COX1 (cytochrome oxidase subunit I; COI) sequence data from multicellular animals (metazoa) using a new workflow (Figure 1) with an improved interface, enhanced validation, and automatic COX1 CDS feature annotation. Once you have submitted mitochondrial COX1 data using this tool, you’ll have a single, helpful page to reference your submission information: accession number(s), COX1 submission status, relevant files and more. Plus, you can also fix any errors from this page.
Figure 1. Submission Portal page with the mitochondrial COX1 submission option selected (boxed in red). The service has options for other targeted submissions including ribosomal RNA (rRNA), rRNA-ITS, Influenza virus, and Norovirus sequences.
This update is part of a larger and ongoing effort to consolidate GenBank submissions in a central location. In addition to COX1 data, you can also submit other commonly targeted sequences including those of ribosomal RNA (rRNA), rRNA-ITS, Influenza virus and Norovirus through the options on the Submission Portal. Other types of sequence data should be submitted to GenBank using BankIt or tbl2ASN.
You can use the search feature on the Submission Portal to find the appropriate submission tool for your data.
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