This May, the NCBI will host a women’s collaborative biodata science hackathon on the NIH Campus in Bethesda, Maryland!
We are now collecting project proposals focusing on building tools and pipelines for advanced analysis of biomedical datasets including text, images, next generation sequencing data, proteomics, and metadata. Proposals for tutorial pipelines and educational tools for advanced analysis are also welcome. Submit your project proposal by March 4, 2019.
We will choose five to eight proposals for the hackathon. We will create groups of five to six individuals who have various backgrounds and applicable expertise to work on each project. Cloud infrastructure will also be provided to turn your idea into a working prototype. You can either choose to lead your project team or recommend someone. Otherwise, we will attempt to find a suitable team lead. The hackathon runs from 9 am – 5 pm each day with an optional social event on the evening of the second day.
The application for general participation will open in March.
For more information on NIH-style hackathons, please check out the following resources:
Please feel free to contact Allissa Dillman with further questions.
This is wonderful, Thank you