We’ve improved BioProject to give you a better way to find all data from a specific project. We think you’ll love the new interface that lets you quickly choose the right BioProject with links to the data you want in other NCBI databases.
The updated BioProject browser makes it easier than ever to filter the data by a variety of attributes so you can quickly pick BioProjects that interest you.

It’s easy to get started: simply type in an organism name, BioProject accession, or search term, like “human gut,” in the search bar (Figure 2).

The results table is sorted by registration date by default; however, you can click any of the column headers to sort the table by that field. You can change which columns are in the table through the ‘Choose columns’ link (Figure 2). You can see all BioProjects related to your search, or a subset by checking any of the filters. For example, you can filter for BioProjects with metagenomics data that have data or publications linked to them. You can use the Filters button to expand and collapse the filters section. This button also highlights the number of filters you have active.
Once you’ve found the projects you want, you can save the table by clicking the ‘Download’ button. The data table format is comma separated (.csv), which you can readily import into a spreadsheet program such as Excel.
Try the updated BioProject browser and please use the green ‘Feedback’ button on the left-hand side to let us know what you think. You can always reach us at the Support Center too. We’re listening!
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