NCBI retires Map Viewer web interface

NCBI retires Map Viewer web interface

On October 24, 2017, we announced the replacement of NCBI’s Map Viewer with the Genome Data Viewer (GDV) . As described in that announcement, the Map Viewer web interface will be removed in one week on May 2, 2018. Map Viewer links will be redirected to the GDV home page. Map Viewer static data will remain on the NCBI FTP site. Please review details related to the FTP content in our February announcement.

Please contact us with any comments and concerns, or if you need more help with the transition from Map Viewer to GDV.

5 thoughts on “NCBI retires Map Viewer web interface

    1. Yes. For example, the Genome Data Viewer provides sequence-level details and has an automated update process, allowing it to keep up with the fast past of genome sequencing, assembly and annotation.

      Please see this blog post for more of GDV’s advantages over Map Viewer:

    1. Thanks for your question. MapViewer was retired many years ago now because of its old code base. GDV offers many more features and integrates better with other NCBI services.

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