About two years ago, NCBI launched PubMed Labs, a gathering place for discovering and experimenting with new features and content for NCBI’s family of websites. Over those years, we launched a few experiments that have helped us learn more about our customers and how we can serve them better.
Today we’re happy to announce that we’re expanding PubMed Labs to a broader set of experiments called NCBI Labs.
Why are we doing this?
- To better convey the breadth of upcoming experiments on data, services, and websites that NCBI offers now and hopes to offer in the future. You can expect to see new features, content, and other experiments from NCBI Labs in the coming months.
- To reserve the name “PubMed Labs” for an exciting new set of experiments around biomedical literature and especially literature search.
What Will Change?
This blog’s menu item and blog category “PubMed Labs” will now appear as “NCBI Labs”. Existing links will continue to work. We won’t be updating the old blog posts, for the most part, although some links on existing sites (e.g. on PubMed Journals) may be updated to use the new name.
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