Journal Research Papers by Ali Bhatti

Data Communications concerns the
transmission of digital messages to devices external
to the mess... more Data Communications concerns the
transmission of digital messages to devices external
to the message source. However, the aim of any
communications system is to provide the highest
possible transmission rate at the lowest possible
power and with the least possible noise. In this
research paper, it is required to acquire two audio
voice signals with 8 bits of resolution and 8 kHz
sampling frequency for 5 seconds. First audio voice
signal for 5 seconds indicated as “My name is Ali
Tariq Bhatti. I am doing research in Reed-Solomon
and CDMA for an assigned task”. Second audio
voice signal for 5 seconds indicated as“My name is
Friendz. I am doing research in Reed-Solomon and
CDMA for an assigned task”. However, in this
research paper, two MAT files will be loaded and
then, store the two recorded audio voice signals that
is one of mine and my friend in ‘.wav’ format in one
of each MAT file. As both acquired voice signals
must have sufficient amplitude without clipping it to
allow one listen to the voice clearly when played.
The two recorded voice signal of ‘.wav’ file because
of CDMA implementation required in this research
paper was also then read by MATLAB for further
processing. The implementation of the Reed-
Solomon code using Additive White Gaussian Noise
(AWGN) channel to perform the recorded voice
signal to be read, simulated, transmitted and received.
However, this memory-less AWGN channel shows
noise to transmit and receive the voice signal. So,
sampled both audio voice signals by 8 KHz sampling
frequency, quantize using 8-bit μ-law companding
on-uniform quantizer, and modulate the signal by
Binary phase shift keying (BPSK). BPSK is the
modulation achieved by as system bandwidth isn’t a
constraint. The standard deviation of this AWGN is
considered to be 0.8. In addition, designed an
algorithm for Reed-Solomon channel coding with
CDMA implementation and verify the performance
of the algorithm by playing the two original and the
two received voice signals. After doing modulation
process through BPSK, spread the coded CDMA for
both audio voice signals by adding them. Then,
simulated the AWGN noise and after that dispread
both the received signals and demodulated it. BER
Performance computed between Theoretical and
Empirical. At the last, Mean Square Error is
calculated for Signal-to-Noise ratio between the
errors of two audio voice signals before and after
transmission. So, then verified work to the
requirement of this research by making a comparison
of both the original and received voice signals via
playing back both signals. Moreover, the comparison
of both the voice signals before they are transmitted
and after they are received can be evaluated by the
effectiveness of the R-S coding. Therefore, R-S
channel coding is a very efficient technique for signal
transmission by making these comparisons.

Throughout the world, it has expressed the deepest questions human beings can ask, and it has tak... more Throughout the world, it has expressed the deepest questions human beings can ask, and it has taken a central place in the lives of virtually all civilizations and cultures by personal reaction and analysis of the long search documentary series of 1977 presented by Ronald Eyre and scriptures of different world religions. That
best tool is a religion that helps us to think all the way back to the dawn of human consciousness. We see religion in
the lives of the people, we know and love, and in ourselves, as we live out and wrestle with our own religious faith.
Although, there are countless religions, each different from the other, they all serve the same purpose. Religion
helps us to transmit our values from one generation to another and influences the way; we interact with the natural
environment. It teaches us how to see ourselves in light of the universe and gives purpose and meaning to life. Theoretically, religion is limited by our human understanding to either accept or reject the ideology of that religion;
however, religion also takes one to think in practical, logical, spiritual, and emotional perspective as analyzed in this
research paper. In this research paper, it is a religion, which leads people to believe that agreement with a creedal
statement is all that God requires

The Internet Infrastructure should be secure before the network become threatened by the various ... more The Internet Infrastructure should be secure before the network become threatened by the various number of bad packets. In this case study paper “Steve Gibson” creator of SpinRite, ShieldsUP, suffered a very hard problem due to a Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack on his website ( In this paper, our analysis point of view that he figured out by his analytical advance skills that how they attack on his website and what tools they use? Steve Gibson use different tools and testing to protect his website from the
attackers. He knows that 13 year old hacker and his partners had not created this tool because they were script
kiddies and only know how to operate this attack. There was a disruption between Gibson & Wicked; due to saying
the word “Script Kiddies” but Gibson doesn’t say it. There were 474 computers which were performed to attack on
his website. Attackers were running a “IRC bots” that takes command from the central server. They were just giving
the commands and the bots started flooding with the millions of TCP packets. These types of attack don’t affect the
attacker’s computer or data. The purpose of this attack was that legitimate request can’t get through due to flooding
the website with so much data.
Software Engineering is a significant domain of Computer Science that deals with all the activiti... more Software Engineering is a significant domain of Computer Science that deals with all the activities associated with the
software development. Basically, a software is developed in a number of phases and each phase is closely linked to all other
phases. The success and failure of a phase can heavily affect the other phases. Both requirements analysis and software design are significant phases of the software development process. In fact, the successful completion of a software development task heavily depends on the successful completion of these two phases. This paper is a comparative study of requirements engineering and design phases of different software development approaches. The major objective of this research is to present a detailed analysis of requirements and design phases of traditional and agile software development approaches.

To incorporate new infrastructure for the water purification; out of many other points, identifie... more To incorporate new infrastructure for the water purification; out of many other points, identified the energy consumptions and its associated costs to be one of the key factor in this research paper. Energy and water are interdependent because energy production needs water and making water available for drinking needs energy. So there has to be a common ground where both energy and water converge and work in synergy. So by changing the way, how and what energy we use in the system, we could improve the efficiency in water purification. By changing the energy infrastructure we can actually control the water production. Energy efficiency becomes the watchword. Electrical Engineering advances in urban water system infrastructure must include not only the reservoirs, ground water wells and aqueducts that are the sources of water supplies needed to meet the varied demands in an urban area but also the water treatment plants, the water distribution systems that transport that water and the pressures required to deliver water to the demands locations. Once used, the now-waste water needs to be collected and transported to where it can be treated and discharged back into the environment. Underlying all of these hydraulic infrastructures and plumbing is the urban storm water drainage system and everything is made possible by energy availability that is discussed in this research paper.

We use a lot of resources to meet our energy needs in our daily life. These sources include natur... more We use a lot of resources to meet our energy needs in our daily life. These sources include natural gas, Bio fuels, Nuclear power, fossil fuels, etc. Some of these sources are very expensive to produce energy and has big impact on our earth and environment. That's why we try to get most of energy from the renewable sources that include Geothermal, Wind energy, Solar power etc. These sources are very reliable and we can produce very inexpensive and most efficient energy. These sources are very friendly to our environment. The aim of sustainable development is for the improvement to be achieved whilst maintaining the ecological processes on which life depends. However, renewable energy supplies are much more compatible with sustainable development than are fossil and nuclear fuels, in regard to both resource limitations and environmental impacts. The demand for renewable energy sources is driven largely by government policies including those that stem from national obligations under international environmental agreements. Finally, renewable energy is directly linked with various social, economic and environmental areas both on national and international level and therefore, production of renewable energy provides work and income for the local population. With the development of these new energy sources, our world would become a cleaner place and the energy crisis would straighten itself out.

Being a Muslim, it is our responsibility to obey the rules and principles defined by our religion... more Being a Muslim, it is our responsibility to obey the rules and principles defined by our religion (Islam) in all the walks of life. Without a doubt, Islam is a complete religion and it has addressed every aspect of life in a detailed manner. In this scenario, whether it is a matter of personal life, social life or professional life, Islam gives appropriate guidelines for all the aspects of life. In addition, we learn these principles and rules from Quran and Hadiths. In fact, it becomes our obligation to follow whatever is written in the Quran and Hadiths. But, in our daily lives, we have a large number of situations where we ignore these religious sayings. In fact, these situations occur in our lives so frequently that we have become used to these situations. This paper addresses some of these situations with respect to organizational environment where we ignore Islamic values and principles over other unimportant activities. In this paper, we have addressed these issues with respect to software development firms. The basic purpose of addressing these issues is to make software development firms and their employees responsive of their religious duties while performing their duties.

There are 20 Greatest Engineering Achievements of this 20th century. The class is to decide on wh... more There are 20 Greatest Engineering Achievements of this 20th century. The class is to decide on what
they believe the top three achievements are. Each group in the class is assigned to one of three tiers whose jobs are
to determine the top singlet, pair, and triplet combinations reducing the number as it passes from tier to tier.
Resolution group are to get the outcomes from top (8) singlets top (4) pairs, and top (3) triplets. As arbiter group, the
goal is to determine the final (singlet, pair and triplet) achievement codes from the data passed from Resolution
group. Arbiters corrected the results of Resolution group and then, they apply their methods using data mining tools
to get the top achievements to see, which one’s are the winners in terms of singlet, pairs, and triplets. In this research
paper, leading two of three choices in our case such as pair and triplet or you can choose other combination, so how
arbiters use their data mining tools for their methodology to get the top three achievements as a winner.

In the past few years, the information
technology has emerged as a key driving force for
growth o... more In the past few years, the information
technology has emerged as a key driving force for
growth of business organizations. The trend of
implementing the latest tools and technologies has
reached to maximum extent. The majority of business
organizations has adopted new and innovative tools
to manage their business tasks effectively. In this
scenario, an enterprise resource planning (ERP)
system is a huge information system that
organizations implement to manage their business
tasks. This is a huge information system which links
almost all the business departments and functional
areas. This report presents a detailed analysis of an
enterprise resource planning system. The
implementation of an enterprise resource planning
system requires taking into consideration various
critical factors, which are essential to be considered
in order to make this implementation fruitful. This
report presents a detailed discussion on the
advantages provided by ERPs to business
organizations. The basic purpose of this report is to
analyze critical success factors involved in the
implementation of ERPs. This report also presents
recommendations with every factor that an
organization can follow to make best use of these

In the past few years, agile software development
approach has emerged as a most attractive softw... more In the past few years, agile software development
approach has emerged as a most attractive software development
approach. A typical CASE environment consists of a number of
CASE tools operating on a common hardware and software
platform and note that there are a number of different classes of
users of a CASE environment. In fact, some users such as software
developers and managers wish to make use of CASE tools to
support them in developing application systems and monitoring the
progress of a project. This development approach has quickly
caught the attention of a large number of software development
firms. However, this approach particularly pays attention to
development side of software development project while neglects
critical aspects of requirements engineering process. In fact, there
is no standard requirement engineering process in this approach
and requirements engineering activities vary from situation to
situation. As a result, there emerge a large number of problems
which can lead the software development projects to failure. One of
major drawbacks of agile approach is that it is suitable for small
size projects with limited team size. Hence, it cannot be adopted for
large size projects. We claim that this approach can be used for
large size projects if traditional requirements engineering approach
is combined with agile manifesto. In fact, the combination of
traditional requirements engineering process and agile manifesto
can also help resolve a large number of problems exist in agile
development methodologies. As in software development the most
important thing is to know the clear customer’s requirements and
also through modeling (data modeling, functional modeling,
behavior modeling). Using UML we are able to build efficient
system starting from scratch towards the desired goal. Through
UML we start from abstract model and develop the required system
through going in details with different UML diagrams. Each UML
diagram serves different goal towards implementing a whole

Digital communication systems are becoming increasingly attractive because of the ever-growing de... more Digital communication systems are becoming increasingly attractive because of the ever-growing demand for data communication and because digital transmission offers data processing options and flexibilities not available with analog transmission [1]. The solution to any communication problem can be achieved either one of two ways i.e. by hardware logic or software where it is relatively easier and flexible in terms of reconfiguration. In data communication, channel coding is designed to improve communication by enabling the transmitted signals to better with-stand the effects of various channel impairments such as noise, interference, and fading. In this paper, Cyclic Coding technique is aimed to perform that there exist an empirical realization of the theoretical concept of error reduction vs. bandwidth. With this technique, acquire audio voice signal with 8 bits resolution and 8 kHz sampling frequency for 5 seconds. The recording voice is in '.wav' format to acquired voice signal that must have sufficient amplitude without clipping it to allow one listen to the voice clearly when played. The recorded voice signal of .wav file was also then read by MATLAB for further processing. Sampled the signal by 8 KHz sampling frequency, quantize using 8bit μ-law companding on-uniform quantizer, and modulate the signal by Binary phase shift keying. Bit Error Rate performance plot is evaluated for the coded and un-coded version of the voice signal and needed to save the voice output from the simulated receiver in a .wav file. At the last, cyclic coding algorithm will make a comparison of the original and received voice signals via playing back both signals.

Because of rapidly changing technologies,
requirements for the software systems are
constantly ch... more Because of rapidly changing technologies,
requirements for the software systems are
constantly changing. This requires a change in
software design as well, as design should be
traceable to the requirements. There is a strong
need to deal with these changes in a systematic
manner. For this purpose, proper decision
making and change planning is required to
effectively implement the change. Change Impact
Analysis provides its services in this regard, by
allowing us to assess the potential side - effects
of change and also helps us in identifying that
what is needed to be modified to accomplish the
change. A number of impact analysis techniques
have been proposed that perform impact analysis
of UML based software design using a certain
strategy and methodology. In order to explore
the strengths and weaknesses of different
approaches toward impact analysis, this survey
paper includes an evaluation criterion for the
comparison of different impact analysis
techniques and a thorough analysis of these
techniques based on evaluation criteria.
Journal Research Papers by Ali Bhatti
transmission of digital messages to devices external
to the message source. However, the aim of any
communications system is to provide the highest
possible transmission rate at the lowest possible
power and with the least possible noise. In this
research paper, it is required to acquire two audio
voice signals with 8 bits of resolution and 8 kHz
sampling frequency for 5 seconds. First audio voice
signal for 5 seconds indicated as “My name is Ali
Tariq Bhatti. I am doing research in Reed-Solomon
and CDMA for an assigned task”. Second audio
voice signal for 5 seconds indicated as“My name is
Friendz. I am doing research in Reed-Solomon and
CDMA for an assigned task”. However, in this
research paper, two MAT files will be loaded and
then, store the two recorded audio voice signals that
is one of mine and my friend in ‘.wav’ format in one
of each MAT file. As both acquired voice signals
must have sufficient amplitude without clipping it to
allow one listen to the voice clearly when played.
The two recorded voice signal of ‘.wav’ file because
of CDMA implementation required in this research
paper was also then read by MATLAB for further
processing. The implementation of the Reed-
Solomon code using Additive White Gaussian Noise
(AWGN) channel to perform the recorded voice
signal to be read, simulated, transmitted and received.
However, this memory-less AWGN channel shows
noise to transmit and receive the voice signal. So,
sampled both audio voice signals by 8 KHz sampling
frequency, quantize using 8-bit μ-law companding
on-uniform quantizer, and modulate the signal by
Binary phase shift keying (BPSK). BPSK is the
modulation achieved by as system bandwidth isn’t a
constraint. The standard deviation of this AWGN is
considered to be 0.8. In addition, designed an
algorithm for Reed-Solomon channel coding with
CDMA implementation and verify the performance
of the algorithm by playing the two original and the
two received voice signals. After doing modulation
process through BPSK, spread the coded CDMA for
both audio voice signals by adding them. Then,
simulated the AWGN noise and after that dispread
both the received signals and demodulated it. BER
Performance computed between Theoretical and
Empirical. At the last, Mean Square Error is
calculated for Signal-to-Noise ratio between the
errors of two audio voice signals before and after
transmission. So, then verified work to the
requirement of this research by making a comparison
of both the original and received voice signals via
playing back both signals. Moreover, the comparison
of both the voice signals before they are transmitted
and after they are received can be evaluated by the
effectiveness of the R-S coding. Therefore, R-S
channel coding is a very efficient technique for signal
transmission by making these comparisons.
best tool is a religion that helps us to think all the way back to the dawn of human consciousness. We see religion in
the lives of the people, we know and love, and in ourselves, as we live out and wrestle with our own religious faith.
Although, there are countless religions, each different from the other, they all serve the same purpose. Religion
helps us to transmit our values from one generation to another and influences the way; we interact with the natural
environment. It teaches us how to see ourselves in light of the universe and gives purpose and meaning to life. Theoretically, religion is limited by our human understanding to either accept or reject the ideology of that religion;
however, religion also takes one to think in practical, logical, spiritual, and emotional perspective as analyzed in this
research paper. In this research paper, it is a religion, which leads people to believe that agreement with a creedal
statement is all that God requires
attackers. He knows that 13 year old hacker and his partners had not created this tool because they were script
kiddies and only know how to operate this attack. There was a disruption between Gibson & Wicked; due to saying
the word “Script Kiddies” but Gibson doesn’t say it. There were 474 computers which were performed to attack on
his website. Attackers were running a “IRC bots” that takes command from the central server. They were just giving
the commands and the bots started flooding with the millions of TCP packets. These types of attack don’t affect the
attacker’s computer or data. The purpose of this attack was that legitimate request can’t get through due to flooding
the website with so much data.
software development. Basically, a software is developed in a number of phases and each phase is closely linked to all other
phases. The success and failure of a phase can heavily affect the other phases. Both requirements analysis and software design are significant phases of the software development process. In fact, the successful completion of a software development task heavily depends on the successful completion of these two phases. This paper is a comparative study of requirements engineering and design phases of different software development approaches. The major objective of this research is to present a detailed analysis of requirements and design phases of traditional and agile software development approaches.
they believe the top three achievements are. Each group in the class is assigned to one of three tiers whose jobs are
to determine the top singlet, pair, and triplet combinations reducing the number as it passes from tier to tier.
Resolution group are to get the outcomes from top (8) singlets top (4) pairs, and top (3) triplets. As arbiter group, the
goal is to determine the final (singlet, pair and triplet) achievement codes from the data passed from Resolution
group. Arbiters corrected the results of Resolution group and then, they apply their methods using data mining tools
to get the top achievements to see, which one’s are the winners in terms of singlet, pairs, and triplets. In this research
paper, leading two of three choices in our case such as pair and triplet or you can choose other combination, so how
arbiters use their data mining tools for their methodology to get the top three achievements as a winner.
technology has emerged as a key driving force for
growth of business organizations. The trend of
implementing the latest tools and technologies has
reached to maximum extent. The majority of business
organizations has adopted new and innovative tools
to manage their business tasks effectively. In this
scenario, an enterprise resource planning (ERP)
system is a huge information system that
organizations implement to manage their business
tasks. This is a huge information system which links
almost all the business departments and functional
areas. This report presents a detailed analysis of an
enterprise resource planning system. The
implementation of an enterprise resource planning
system requires taking into consideration various
critical factors, which are essential to be considered
in order to make this implementation fruitful. This
report presents a detailed discussion on the
advantages provided by ERPs to business
organizations. The basic purpose of this report is to
analyze critical success factors involved in the
implementation of ERPs. This report also presents
recommendations with every factor that an
organization can follow to make best use of these
approach has emerged as a most attractive software development
approach. A typical CASE environment consists of a number of
CASE tools operating on a common hardware and software
platform and note that there are a number of different classes of
users of a CASE environment. In fact, some users such as software
developers and managers wish to make use of CASE tools to
support them in developing application systems and monitoring the
progress of a project. This development approach has quickly
caught the attention of a large number of software development
firms. However, this approach particularly pays attention to
development side of software development project while neglects
critical aspects of requirements engineering process. In fact, there
is no standard requirement engineering process in this approach
and requirements engineering activities vary from situation to
situation. As a result, there emerge a large number of problems
which can lead the software development projects to failure. One of
major drawbacks of agile approach is that it is suitable for small
size projects with limited team size. Hence, it cannot be adopted for
large size projects. We claim that this approach can be used for
large size projects if traditional requirements engineering approach
is combined with agile manifesto. In fact, the combination of
traditional requirements engineering process and agile manifesto
can also help resolve a large number of problems exist in agile
development methodologies. As in software development the most
important thing is to know the clear customer’s requirements and
also through modeling (data modeling, functional modeling,
behavior modeling). Using UML we are able to build efficient
system starting from scratch towards the desired goal. Through
UML we start from abstract model and develop the required system
through going in details with different UML diagrams. Each UML
diagram serves different goal towards implementing a whole
requirements for the software systems are
constantly changing. This requires a change in
software design as well, as design should be
traceable to the requirements. There is a strong
need to deal with these changes in a systematic
manner. For this purpose, proper decision
making and change planning is required to
effectively implement the change. Change Impact
Analysis provides its services in this regard, by
allowing us to assess the potential side - effects
of change and also helps us in identifying that
what is needed to be modified to accomplish the
change. A number of impact analysis techniques
have been proposed that perform impact analysis
of UML based software design using a certain
strategy and methodology. In order to explore
the strengths and weaknesses of different
approaches toward impact analysis, this survey
paper includes an evaluation criterion for the
comparison of different impact analysis
techniques and a thorough analysis of these
techniques based on evaluation criteria.
transmission of digital messages to devices external
to the message source. However, the aim of any
communications system is to provide the highest
possible transmission rate at the lowest possible
power and with the least possible noise. In this
research paper, it is required to acquire two audio
voice signals with 8 bits of resolution and 8 kHz
sampling frequency for 5 seconds. First audio voice
signal for 5 seconds indicated as “My name is Ali
Tariq Bhatti. I am doing research in Reed-Solomon
and CDMA for an assigned task”. Second audio
voice signal for 5 seconds indicated as“My name is
Friendz. I am doing research in Reed-Solomon and
CDMA for an assigned task”. However, in this
research paper, two MAT files will be loaded and
then, store the two recorded audio voice signals that
is one of mine and my friend in ‘.wav’ format in one
of each MAT file. As both acquired voice signals
must have sufficient amplitude without clipping it to
allow one listen to the voice clearly when played.
The two recorded voice signal of ‘.wav’ file because
of CDMA implementation required in this research
paper was also then read by MATLAB for further
processing. The implementation of the Reed-
Solomon code using Additive White Gaussian Noise
(AWGN) channel to perform the recorded voice
signal to be read, simulated, transmitted and received.
However, this memory-less AWGN channel shows
noise to transmit and receive the voice signal. So,
sampled both audio voice signals by 8 KHz sampling
frequency, quantize using 8-bit μ-law companding
on-uniform quantizer, and modulate the signal by
Binary phase shift keying (BPSK). BPSK is the
modulation achieved by as system bandwidth isn’t a
constraint. The standard deviation of this AWGN is
considered to be 0.8. In addition, designed an
algorithm for Reed-Solomon channel coding with
CDMA implementation and verify the performance
of the algorithm by playing the two original and the
two received voice signals. After doing modulation
process through BPSK, spread the coded CDMA for
both audio voice signals by adding them. Then,
simulated the AWGN noise and after that dispread
both the received signals and demodulated it. BER
Performance computed between Theoretical and
Empirical. At the last, Mean Square Error is
calculated for Signal-to-Noise ratio between the
errors of two audio voice signals before and after
transmission. So, then verified work to the
requirement of this research by making a comparison
of both the original and received voice signals via
playing back both signals. Moreover, the comparison
of both the voice signals before they are transmitted
and after they are received can be evaluated by the
effectiveness of the R-S coding. Therefore, R-S
channel coding is a very efficient technique for signal
transmission by making these comparisons.
best tool is a religion that helps us to think all the way back to the dawn of human consciousness. We see religion in
the lives of the people, we know and love, and in ourselves, as we live out and wrestle with our own religious faith.
Although, there are countless religions, each different from the other, they all serve the same purpose. Religion
helps us to transmit our values from one generation to another and influences the way; we interact with the natural
environment. It teaches us how to see ourselves in light of the universe and gives purpose and meaning to life. Theoretically, religion is limited by our human understanding to either accept or reject the ideology of that religion;
however, religion also takes one to think in practical, logical, spiritual, and emotional perspective as analyzed in this
research paper. In this research paper, it is a religion, which leads people to believe that agreement with a creedal
statement is all that God requires
attackers. He knows that 13 year old hacker and his partners had not created this tool because they were script
kiddies and only know how to operate this attack. There was a disruption between Gibson & Wicked; due to saying
the word “Script Kiddies” but Gibson doesn’t say it. There were 474 computers which were performed to attack on
his website. Attackers were running a “IRC bots” that takes command from the central server. They were just giving
the commands and the bots started flooding with the millions of TCP packets. These types of attack don’t affect the
attacker’s computer or data. The purpose of this attack was that legitimate request can’t get through due to flooding
the website with so much data.
software development. Basically, a software is developed in a number of phases and each phase is closely linked to all other
phases. The success and failure of a phase can heavily affect the other phases. Both requirements analysis and software design are significant phases of the software development process. In fact, the successful completion of a software development task heavily depends on the successful completion of these two phases. This paper is a comparative study of requirements engineering and design phases of different software development approaches. The major objective of this research is to present a detailed analysis of requirements and design phases of traditional and agile software development approaches.
they believe the top three achievements are. Each group in the class is assigned to one of three tiers whose jobs are
to determine the top singlet, pair, and triplet combinations reducing the number as it passes from tier to tier.
Resolution group are to get the outcomes from top (8) singlets top (4) pairs, and top (3) triplets. As arbiter group, the
goal is to determine the final (singlet, pair and triplet) achievement codes from the data passed from Resolution
group. Arbiters corrected the results of Resolution group and then, they apply their methods using data mining tools
to get the top achievements to see, which one’s are the winners in terms of singlet, pairs, and triplets. In this research
paper, leading two of three choices in our case such as pair and triplet or you can choose other combination, so how
arbiters use their data mining tools for their methodology to get the top three achievements as a winner.
technology has emerged as a key driving force for
growth of business organizations. The trend of
implementing the latest tools and technologies has
reached to maximum extent. The majority of business
organizations has adopted new and innovative tools
to manage their business tasks effectively. In this
scenario, an enterprise resource planning (ERP)
system is a huge information system that
organizations implement to manage their business
tasks. This is a huge information system which links
almost all the business departments and functional
areas. This report presents a detailed analysis of an
enterprise resource planning system. The
implementation of an enterprise resource planning
system requires taking into consideration various
critical factors, which are essential to be considered
in order to make this implementation fruitful. This
report presents a detailed discussion on the
advantages provided by ERPs to business
organizations. The basic purpose of this report is to
analyze critical success factors involved in the
implementation of ERPs. This report also presents
recommendations with every factor that an
organization can follow to make best use of these
approach has emerged as a most attractive software development
approach. A typical CASE environment consists of a number of
CASE tools operating on a common hardware and software
platform and note that there are a number of different classes of
users of a CASE environment. In fact, some users such as software
developers and managers wish to make use of CASE tools to
support them in developing application systems and monitoring the
progress of a project. This development approach has quickly
caught the attention of a large number of software development
firms. However, this approach particularly pays attention to
development side of software development project while neglects
critical aspects of requirements engineering process. In fact, there
is no standard requirement engineering process in this approach
and requirements engineering activities vary from situation to
situation. As a result, there emerge a large number of problems
which can lead the software development projects to failure. One of
major drawbacks of agile approach is that it is suitable for small
size projects with limited team size. Hence, it cannot be adopted for
large size projects. We claim that this approach can be used for
large size projects if traditional requirements engineering approach
is combined with agile manifesto. In fact, the combination of
traditional requirements engineering process and agile manifesto
can also help resolve a large number of problems exist in agile
development methodologies. As in software development the most
important thing is to know the clear customer’s requirements and
also through modeling (data modeling, functional modeling,
behavior modeling). Using UML we are able to build efficient
system starting from scratch towards the desired goal. Through
UML we start from abstract model and develop the required system
through going in details with different UML diagrams. Each UML
diagram serves different goal towards implementing a whole
requirements for the software systems are
constantly changing. This requires a change in
software design as well, as design should be
traceable to the requirements. There is a strong
need to deal with these changes in a systematic
manner. For this purpose, proper decision
making and change planning is required to
effectively implement the change. Change Impact
Analysis provides its services in this regard, by
allowing us to assess the potential side - effects
of change and also helps us in identifying that
what is needed to be modified to accomplish the
change. A number of impact analysis techniques
have been proposed that perform impact analysis
of UML based software design using a certain
strategy and methodology. In order to explore
the strengths and weaknesses of different
approaches toward impact analysis, this survey
paper includes an evaluation criterion for the
comparison of different impact analysis
techniques and a thorough analysis of these
techniques based on evaluation criteria.