We resolve here an outstanding problem plaguing conformal gravity in its role in making consisten... more We resolve here an outstanding problem plaguing conformal gravity in its role in making consistent astrophysical predictions. Though its static spherically symmetric solution incorporates all the successes of Schwarzschild gravity, the fit to observed galactic rotation curves requires > 0, while the observed increase in the Schwarzschild light deflection by galaxies appears to demand < 0. Here we show that, contrary to common knowledge, there is an increase in the Schwarzschild deflection angle in the vicinity of galaxies due purely to the effect of > 0, when the idea of the Einstein-Strauss vacuole model is employed. With the inconsistency now out of the way, conformal gravity should be regarded as a good theory explaining light deflection by galaxies.
It is concluded in the literature that Ellis wormhole is unstable under small perturbations and w... more It is concluded in the literature that Ellis wormhole is unstable under small perturbations and would decay either to the Schwarzschild black hole or expand away to infinity. While this deterministic conclusion of instability is correct, we show that the Ellis wormhole reduces to Schwarzschild black hole only when the Ellis solution parameter γ assumes a complex value −i. We shall then reexamine stability of Ellis and phantom wormholes from the viewpoint of local and asymptotic observers by using a completely different approach, viz., we adapt Tangherlini's nondeterministic, prequantal 1
In this paper, we wish to investigate certain observable effects in the recently obtained wormhol... more In this paper, we wish to investigate certain observable effects in the recently obtained wormhole solution of the EiBI theory, which generalizes the zero mass Ellis-Bronnikov wormhole of general relativity. The solutions of EiBI theory contain an extra parameter κ having the inverse dimension of the cosmological constant Λ, and is expected to modify various general relativistic observables such as the masses of wormhole mouths, tidal forces and light deflection. A remarkable result is that a non-zero κ could prevent the tidal forces in the geodesic orthonormal frame from becoming arbitrarily large near a small throat radius (r 0 ∼ 0) contrary to what happens near a small Schwarzschild horizon radius (M ∼ 0). The role of κ in the flare-out and energy conditions is also analysed, which reveals that the energy conditions are violated. We show that the exotic matter in the EiBI wormhole cannot be interpreted as phantom (ω = pr ρ < −1) or ghost field φ of general relativity due to the fact that both ρ and p r are negative for all κ.
We resolve here an outstanding problem plaguing conformal gravity in its role in making consisten... more We resolve here an outstanding problem plaguing conformal gravity in its role in making consistent astrophysical predictions. Though its static spherically symmetric solution incorporates all the successes of Schwarzschild gravity, the fit to observed galactic rotation curves requires > 0, while the observed increase in the Schwarzschild light deflection by galaxies appears to demand < 0. Here we show that, contrary to common knowledge, there is an increase in the Schwarzschild deflection angle in the vicinity of galaxies due purely to the effect of > 0, when the idea of the Einstein-Strauss vacuole model is employed. With the inconsistency now out of the way, conformal gravity should be regarded as a good theory explaining light deflection by galaxies.
We resolve here an outstanding problem plaguing conformal gravity in its role in making consisten... more We resolve here an outstanding problem plaguing conformal gravity in its role in making consistent astrophysical predictions. Though its static spherically symmetric solution incorporates all the successes of Schwarzschild gravity, the fit to observed galactic rotation curves requires > 0, while the observed increase in the Schwarzschild light deflection by galaxies appears to demand < 0. Here we show that, contrary to common knowledge, there is an increase in the Schwarzschild deflection angle in the vicinity of galaxies due purely to the effect of > 0, when the idea of the Einstein-Strauss vacuole model is employed. With the inconsistency now out of the way, conformal gravity should be regarded as a good theory explaining light deflection by galaxies.
We resolve here an outstanding problem plaguing conformal gravity in its role in making consisten... more We resolve here an outstanding problem plaguing conformal gravity in its role in making consistent astrophysical predictions. Though its static spherically symmetric solution incorporates all the successes of Schwarzschild gravity, the fit to observed galactic rotation curves requires > 0, while the observed increase in the Schwarzschild light deflection by galaxies appears to demand < 0. Here we show that, contrary to common knowledge, there is an increase in the Schwarzschild deflection angle in the vicinity of galaxies due purely to the effect of > 0, when the idea of the Einstein-Strauss vacuole model is employed. With the inconsistency now out of the way, conformal gravity should be regarded as a good theory explaining light deflection by galaxies.
It is concluded in the literature that Ellis wormhole is unstable under small perturbations and w... more It is concluded in the literature that Ellis wormhole is unstable under small perturbations and would decay either to the Schwarzschild black hole or expand away to infinity. While this deterministic conclusion of instability is correct, we show that the Ellis wormhole reduces to Schwarzschild black hole only when the Ellis solution parameter γ assumes a complex value −i. We shall then reexamine stability of Ellis and phantom wormholes from the viewpoint of local and asymptotic observers by using a completely different approach, viz., we adapt Tangherlini's nondeterministic, prequantal 1
In this paper, we wish to investigate certain observable effects in the recently obtained wormhol... more In this paper, we wish to investigate certain observable effects in the recently obtained wormhole solution of the EiBI theory, which generalizes the zero mass Ellis-Bronnikov wormhole of general relativity. The solutions of EiBI theory contain an extra parameter κ having the inverse dimension of the cosmological constant Λ, and is expected to modify various general relativistic observables such as the masses of wormhole mouths, tidal forces and light deflection. A remarkable result is that a non-zero κ could prevent the tidal forces in the geodesic orthonormal frame from becoming arbitrarily large near a small throat radius (r 0 ∼ 0) contrary to what happens near a small Schwarzschild horizon radius (M ∼ 0). The role of κ in the flare-out and energy conditions is also analysed, which reveals that the energy conditions are violated. We show that the exotic matter in the EiBI wormhole cannot be interpreted as phantom (ω = pr ρ < −1) or ghost field φ of general relativity due to the fact that both ρ and p r are negative for all κ.
We resolve here an outstanding problem plaguing conformal gravity in its role in making consisten... more We resolve here an outstanding problem plaguing conformal gravity in its role in making consistent astrophysical predictions. Though its static spherically symmetric solution incorporates all the successes of Schwarzschild gravity, the fit to observed galactic rotation curves requires > 0, while the observed increase in the Schwarzschild light deflection by galaxies appears to demand < 0. Here we show that, contrary to common knowledge, there is an increase in the Schwarzschild deflection angle in the vicinity of galaxies due purely to the effect of > 0, when the idea of the Einstein-Strauss vacuole model is employed. With the inconsistency now out of the way, conformal gravity should be regarded as a good theory explaining light deflection by galaxies.
We resolve here an outstanding problem plaguing conformal gravity in its role in making consisten... more We resolve here an outstanding problem plaguing conformal gravity in its role in making consistent astrophysical predictions. Though its static spherically symmetric solution incorporates all the successes of Schwarzschild gravity, the fit to observed galactic rotation curves requires > 0, while the observed increase in the Schwarzschild light deflection by galaxies appears to demand < 0. Here we show that, contrary to common knowledge, there is an increase in the Schwarzschild deflection angle in the vicinity of galaxies due purely to the effect of > 0, when the idea of the Einstein-Strauss vacuole model is employed. With the inconsistency now out of the way, conformal gravity should be regarded as a good theory explaining light deflection by galaxies.
Papers by Amarjit Tamang