Stikkord for utvidelse: queries
Advanced Queries
(38 totale vurderinger)An Elementor extension that allows you to easily dynamically query your posts, portfolio, and loop grid widget results without custom query IDs.
Debug This
(17 totale vurderinger)Peek under the hood with sixty debugging reports just one click away.
DP Debug Menu
(3 totale vurderinger)Quickly shows the template used for current page, number of queries, and execution time for PHP code.
(1 totale vurderinger)Plugin shows in the admin bar the number of SQL queries, the amount of time in seconds and memory load.
GF Stripe Extensions
(0 totale vurderinger)Add Stripe functions to Wordpress including ApplePay, analytics, query transactions, limit payments and payment recovery to Gravity Forms.
Cloud-O-Google Queries
(0 totale vurderinger)Cloud-O-Google Queries is a filter to display keyword clouds based on search engine queries.
WPDB Profiling
(0 totale vurderinger)This plugin will give you the total number of queries to the db per page, as well as the total time it took to render those queries out to the page.
Count Shortcode
(1 totale vurderinger)Shortcode to count number of posts that match a given set of criteria; provides link to query to display list of matching posts
LH Log sql queries to file
(0 totale vurderinger)Log all queries to a text file for development and debugging purposes
Database Performance Monitor
(3 totale vurderinger)Outputs some database query information on page load for logged in admins. Output is located as an html comment in the footer and also in the console.
Admin's Debug Tool
(0 totale vurderinger)Admin-only tool for checking execution times and error output of current theme/plugins
Unique List For Gravity Forms
(0 totale vurderinger)Add a unique piece of text or code to each gravity form from a predefined list. The plugin keeps track of which have been used and will only include u …
(0 totale vurderinger)Run queries of an arbitrary URL on websites that can take these as query parameters.
(0 totale vurderinger)Log WordPress MySQL queries in csv file (and log file). Useful when you need to improve the performance or debug something.
GF Limit Payments
(0 totale vurderinger)End subscription payments after a certain number of payments