Papers by Laxmikanta Behera
Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2019

Live tree biomass estimates are essential for the direct measurement of carbon sequestration, bio... more Live tree biomass estimates are essential for the direct measurement of carbon sequestration, bioenergy feasibility studies, and other analyses. Several indirect methods based on allometric equations are currently used for estimating the above ground tree biomass. Consequently, a study was conducted to estimate the above ground biomass using allometric equation in ten Eucalyptus clones of 2.5 years old plantation at instructional farm of ASPEE college of Horticulture and Forestry in Navsari Agricultural University campus. The main objective of this study was to compare the above ground biomass among clones and identify the potential clone which can produce the maximum above ground biomass. The selected clones namely P-413, P-411, P-316, P-526, JK-08, SRO-16, B-2253, B-2153, B-271 and B-2045 showed mean height (m) of 13.283, 14.033, 15.383, 14.750, 13.383, 12.183, 14.683, 13.183, 13.317 and 12.583 and mean dbh (m) of 0.094, 0.100, 0.102, 0.101, 0.092, 0.103, 0.099, 0.085, 0.094 and 0...

Journal of Plant Stress Physiology, 2015
Agroforestry is a sustainable land use system act as an alternative form of biological reclamatio... more Agroforestry is a sustainable land use system act as an alternative form of biological reclamation in salt affected soils apart from sustainable production, continuous income, and regular employment along with food and nutrition security. In general, salt affected soils get ameliorated by tree species; however, following factors such as nature and type of tree species planted, growth habit, quantity and quality of litter production, planting density, nitrogen fixation, and different management practices are influenced. In the present study, various studies pertaining to soil reclamation in the salt affected soils are reviewed. Overall result showed that trees grown with crops, horticultural crops, pastures resulted in improvement of physical and chemical properties of soil under various agroforestry systems. For instance, reduction of soil pH, electrical conductivity, and exchangeable sodium percentage minimization of salt deposition in the upper layers of the soil, improvement of water permeability and water holding capacity, improvement of infiltration rate and hydraulic conductivity with soil fertility, enhancement of cation exchange capacity, and other features are characteristics of soil as influenced by tree species, as well as through agroforestry practices. Various multipurpose tree species such as Acacia auriculiformis, Acacia nilotica, Albizia lebbeck, Terminalia arjuna, Casuarina equisetifolia, Prosopis cineraria, Prosopis juliflora; and fruit trees such as Zizyphus jujuba, Emblica officinalis, Syzygium cumini, and Tamarindus indica ameliorated the different salt affected soils in different agroforestry systems viz., agrisilvicultural system, silvipastoral system, multipurpose wood lot, and agrihorisilvicultural system. Thus, agroforestry system provides an alternative for restoring soil health and amelioration of salt affected soils for further yield improvement. Therefore, these species are suggested for reclamation of salt affected soil through agroforestry systems.

The present investigation was conducted to develop of INVITRO salt tolerant plantlets of Jatropha... more The present investigation was conducted to develop of INVITRO salt tolerant plantlets of Jatropha curcas L. For this nodal segment from 3-5 months old nursery grown plants were used as explants for axillary bud culture. The sterilization treatment involving dipping explants in 0.1 per cent HgCl solution for 5 minutes resulted in minimum contamination and maximum establishment of nodal explants. The treatmentMSmedium supplemented with 1.0 mg/LBAPand 1.0 mg/L IAAwas the best for culture establishment and shoot proliferation from the axillary buds. Shoots at 0.25 per cent, 0.5 per cent and 0.75 per cent survived when the established shoots were treated with different concentration of NaCl starting from 0.25 per cent to 2.0 per cent. The salt tolerant shoots produced roots when treated with halfMSmedia fortified with 1 mg/L IBA, 3 mg/LNAAand 0.25 gACup to 0.5 per cent where as under 0.75 per cent NaCl rooting failed completely. The rooting per cent and root length were less under 0.25 p...

Honey bee is an important social and beneficial insect. It benefited the society in one hand by p... more Honey bee is an important social and beneficial insect. It benefited the society in one hand by prod ucing honey and other produces and other hand by pollinating the cross -pollinated plants for fruits and seeds setting and ultimately increases the production. Honey is one of the important non-wood forest products. Tribal communities living in and around forest improve their social and economical livelihood by coll ecting and selling honey and other products of honey bees in the local market. For commercial apiculture, Apis cerana and Apis mellifera are the main species of hone y bees generally practiced for honey production in India. It is essential to manage the honey bees and bee hives in the dearth period. During this period, there is lack of availability of nectar and pollen in flora required for quantitative and qualitative production of honey due to heavy rainfall in the South Gujarat condition. To overcome this problem, it is important to find out the suitable bee flora avai...

Honey is one of the important non-wood forest products. Tribal communities living in and around f... more Honey is one of the important non-wood forest products. Tribal communities living in and around forest improve their social and economical livelihood by collecting and selling honey and other products of honey bees in the local market. For commercial apiculture, Apis cerana and Apis mellifera are the main species of honey bees generally practiced for honey production in India. It is essential to manage the honey bees and bee hives in the dearth period. During this period, there is lack of availability of nectar and pollen in flora required for quantitative and qualitative production of honey. To overcome this problem, it is important to find out the suitable bee flora available during the period for commercial apiculture. Consequently, a study was carried out during the dearth period of July and August, 2011 to find out the suitable bee flora available in Navsari Agricultural University campus of South Gujarat. It was observed that both Apis cerana and Apis mellifera visited 26 numb...

All cross-pollinated crops need to be pollinated in order to be productive. Honey bee is a key el... more All cross-pollinated crops need to be pollinated in order to be productive. Honey bee is a key element in crop production, especially through pollination. Honeybees are active and effective pollinators for many crops, so integration of beekeeping in agroforestry system can increase crop yield dramatically. Previously in India beekeeping has been mainly forest based with Indian bees (Apis cerana indica). In recent years, cultivated areas are increasingly used for honey production with Italian bees (Apis mellifera). Honeybees are entirely dependent upon flowering plants for their food requirement. Efficient beekeeping requires supply of both nectar and pollen in adequate quantities. For management of bees and honey production throughout the year beekeepers can select apiphilic plants having good NP status. Continuous availability of apiphilic flowers containing good amount of nectar and pollen are must for the success of beekeeping. Keeping this point in mind, a floral calendar is mad...

Abstract Carbon sequestration by the way of integration of trees into different landscapes or lan... more Abstract Carbon sequestration by the way of integration of trees into different landscapes or land use system is one of the cost-effective mitigation strategies. Out of different land-use practices, agroforestry is an ideal option to optimize the tradeoffs between increased food production, poverty alleviation and environmental conservation through carbon sink. Agroforestry (AF) provides a unique opportunity to combine the twin objectives of climate change adaptation and mitigation. Carbon sequestration potential of tree species depends upon several factors like site situation, types of AF system followed, tree species composition, age structure, tree density, kinds of farm management practice, tree architecture and environmental factors. The type of agroforestry systems like agrisilvicultural, silvipastoral or agrisilvipastoral system greatly influences the carbon storage. According to the IPCC, agroforestry systems offer important opportunities with a technical mitigation potentia...
Papers by Laxmikanta Behera