Papers by Nick Van Gestel
... Title: Het meten van microstructuren vergt uiterste van huidige systemen. Authors: Paulus, Pa... more ... Title: Het meten van microstructuren vergt uiterste van huidige systemen. Authors: Paulus, Paul Bleys, Philip × Van Gestel, Nick. Issue Date: Oct-2008. Publisher: Professional Media Group. Host Document: Metallerie vol:118 pages:45-47. ISSN: 1373-8747. ...
Metallerie, 2008
... Title: Het meten van microstructuren vergt uiterste van huidige systemen. Authors: Paulus, Pa... more ... Title: Het meten van microstructuren vergt uiterste van huidige systemen. Authors: Paulus, Paul Bleys, Philip × Van Gestel, Nick. Issue Date: Oct-2008. Publisher: Professional Media Group. Host Document: Metallerie vol:118 pages:45-47. ISSN: 1373-8747. ...

status: accepted, 2011
Mijn schrijfstrijd is nu gestreden! Aan iedereen, die op een of andere manier een rol speelde bij... more Mijn schrijfstrijd is nu gestreden! Aan iedereen, die op een of andere manier een rol speelde bij de totstandkoming van dit werk, BEDANKT. In de eerste plaats ben ik mijn promotoren, prof. Jean-Pierre Kruth en Philip Bleys, veel dank verschuldigd. Jean-Pierre, bedankt om me in 2005 de kans te geven om in jouw onderzoeksteam te starten, en in het bijzonder voor het enorme vertrouwen dat ik sindsdien heb mogen genieten. Philip, bedankt om me bij de vele industriële projecten te betrekken, ik heb enorm veel van jou geleerd. Je technisch inzicht en oog voor detail hielpen me talloze keren vooruit bij mijn onderzoek. Tevens dank aan prof. Bert Lauwers, prof. Dominiek Reynaerts en prof. Wim Dewulf voor het nalezen van de tekst en hun constructieve opmerkingen. I would especially like to thank Wolfgang Knapp for his in-depth reading of this text. Your comments and suggestions certainly improved the quality of this work. Plezier scheppen in je werk wordt bevorderd door fijne collega's. Deze waren er op PMA in overvloed, te veel om op te noemen. De middagpauzes en SET-actitviteiten waren momenten om naar uit te kijken en nooit meer te vergeten. Mijn speciale dank aan al degenen die zich voor de sociale activiteiten inzetten. Aan het 'selecte groepje' van de gele trap: bedankt. Ik heb me daarboven geen enkel moment verveeld. Aan mijn collega's van de onderzoeksgroep metrologie:
status: published, 2008
... Title: Gids voor Mobiele Coördinatenmeettechniek. Authors: Cuypers, Wim Van Gestel, Nick. Edi... more ... Title: Gids voor Mobiele Coördinatenmeettechniek. Authors: Cuypers, Wim Van Gestel, Nick. Editors: Van Gestel, Nick Cuypers, Wim. ... Issue Date: 2008. Affiliation: IWT TETRA-project: Mobiel meten van grote voorwerpen. Publication status: published. ...
Conversores estáticos são circuitos formados por elementos passivos e ativos associados seguindo ... more Conversores estáticos são circuitos formados por elementos passivos e ativos associados seguindo a leis pré-estabelecidas. Neste artigo é discutida a capacidade de simulação do software Matlab®, através de sua extensão gráfica Simulink®, de um modelo de conversor CC-CC do tipo Buck, visando demonstrar que as simulações podem reduzir os custos de desenvolvimento, o tempo de modelação e oferecer uma alternativa confiável para os testes de desempenho. São apresentados os principais elementos que compõem o conversor Buck, as técnicas de controle empregadas e as etapas de operação. A fim de avaliar as ferramentas para desenvolvimento contidas no software, é proposta a modelagem de um conversor tipo Buck em malha fechada a partir de parâmetros estabelecidos.

Today, there is a large demand for the machining of simple and/or complex shaped components made ... more Today, there is a large demand for the machining of simple and/or complex shaped components made of difficult to cut materials such as ceramics. Recently, there is also a demand to machine new type of steels, having restrictions in chemical composition (e.g. lead and sulphur free) in order to comply with recent governmental EU regulations. This paper first describes on-going and planned research activities on the machining (turning) of these advanced materials. For the machining of various ceramic materials, an ultrasonic assisted tooling system has been designed, manufactured and integrated within the available Mori Seiki NL2000Y/500 mill-turn centre. The developed system has been tested through initial machining experiments on aluminium and ZrO2. Second, this paper also briefly describes other on-going and planned research and education activities in which the Mori Seiki NL2000Y/500 is involved. It includes advanced NCprogramming of multi-axis machine tools, energy efficient machi...
Uncertainty evaluation software based on Monte Carlo simulations is very useful for coordinate me... more Uncertainty evaluation software based on Monte Carlo simulations is very useful for coordinate measurement machines (CMMs). These Monte Carlo methods use so-called virtual CMMs to simulate CMM measurement errors. Based on the simulated errors measurement uncertainties can be determined. This paper shows how CMM hardware errors can be modelled in a simple and straightforward way. It considers CMM geometric errors as well as probe and articulating probe head errors. A key element of the presented method is the selection of representative virtual CMMs based on a virtual ISO 10360-2 acceptance test. The method has been implemented in own developed uncertainty evaluation software but can also be used in other software. Results show that very reliable uncertainty statements are obtained with this method.

Measurement, 2012
Combining multiple sensors on CMMs (Coordinate Measuring Machines) is useful to fulfill the incre... more Combining multiple sensors on CMMs (Coordinate Measuring Machines) is useful to fulfill the increasing requirements on both complexity and accuracy in dimensional metrology. Yet, the methodology to plan measurement strategies for systems combining different types of sensors is still a major challenge. Such planning is commonly done in an interactive way. This paper presents a methodology which can create inspection plans automatically for CMM inspection combining a touch trigger probe and a laser scanner. The inspection features are specified based on the extracted geometry features and the associated PMI (Product and Manufacturing Information) items from a CAD model. A knowledge based sensor selection method is applied to choose the suited sensor for each inspection feature. For touch trigger measurements, the sampling strategy considers the measurement uncertainty calculated by simulation. A geometry-guide method is developed for collision-free probing path generation. For laser scan measurements, the required view angles and positions of the laser scanner are determined iteratively, based on which the scan path is generated automatically. The proposed methodology is tested for several cases and validated by measurement experiments. The methodology provides suited planning results and can be used for automated dimensional inspection, i.e. Computer Aided Quality Control (CAQC). Highlights We develop an inspection planning system for CMM measurements Laser scanner and tactile probe are combined in that system CAD model is used to guide the inspection planning for each inspection feature Inspection path is generated automatically for both sensors *Highlights

International Journal of Precision Technology, 2011
Dimensional quality inspections of high precision parts are often performed by coordinate measuri... more Dimensional quality inspections of high precision parts are often performed by coordinate measuring machines (CMMs) equipped with touch-trigger probes. Features of these parts are then measured with a limited set of points, due to time constraints. This limited sampling has an important influence on the measurement uncertainty because the form deviation of the feature can not be completely assessed. It will not only affect the measurement uncertainty of the form deviation, but also the measurement uncertainties of other feature parameters like size, position and orientation. The quantification of this influence is difficult since the true form deviation is unknown. This paper describes a method, based on Monte Carlo simulations, that allows to determine these measurement uncertainties based on an estimate of the form deviation using a limited set of points. The method is illustrated for circles with theoretical shapes of form deviations, as well as measured shapes.
Papers by Nick Van Gestel